Chapter Twenty Five ~ You Could Be My Motivation

Start from the beginning

“She didn’t answer… she’s probably just jealous. But… do you think she’d cheat on you with one of those boys?” I asked. Niall immediately shook his head no and said,

“No, there’s no way. She hates cheaters and wouldn’t do it. I know that she loves me and wouldn’t want to hurt me. I just can’t help but feel jealous.” Niall said, walking over to the bed. He sat down and looked at me. I scrunched my eyebrows together, trying to think of a way to get Niall’s mind off of Liz.

“Hey! Let’s go outside. There are fans around the hotel and they want to see us. Why don’t we go out and see them. We never get to because of our hectic schedule but we are free now.” I said, standing up.

“That sounds fun actually. C’mon, let’s go.”

Liz’s P.O.V

“Guys… I can’t find it.” I said, throwing the cushions off the couch.

                I groaned when I saw that my phone wasn’t there. I’ve been looking in the bus for over an hour, and I still can’t find it. I really hope I didn’t lose it. If I did then I need to contact everyone on my phone and tell them they need to change their numbers and I wouldn’t have any friends because that’s a pain in the butt.

“Fine what?” Julie asked, looking up from her IPad. She finally came out of her bunk. I think she was crying because her eyes are a little red but I know she doesn’t want to talk about it. I’m not going to push her.

“My phone. I lost it.” I said. Caitlin froze from her yoga position, and Beck looked at me. He was the only one that stayed. Sam had to go and meet up with Marty and Josh at their bus, but Beck decided to stay and do yoga with Caitlin. I don’t know why, though. I hate yoga because I always end up falling.

“You what? Liz! Your phone has all of our numbers on it and so many more famous people. If a fan finds it it’ll be a disaster.” Caitlin said.

“You think I don’t know that? I remember having it on the bus… I think. Fuck, can you all just help me look?” I asked, looking between everyone. Julie put the IPad down and stood up, saying she would. Beck and Caitlin both agreed to, Caitlin was still a little mad though. I can’t blame her.

                We spent the next hour looking through everything. We tore apart the bus looking for that damn phone, but we couldn’t find it. I was literally close to tears. I have a lot of numbers on that phone and if they get leaked or something I’m screwed.

                I even looked in the shower, which is tiny. But anyway… it wasn’t there. I didn’t think it would be, but you never know. God, this is so frustrating. Where the hell could it be? It has to be here, I know I  didn’t leave it in the gym. I remember grabbing my gym bag after hugging Beck. Wait… the gym bag!

                I jumped up from the couch and ran towards the bunks. I nearly fell onto it, but I ended up okay. I ripped open the bag and started pulling out everything in the bag.

“I found it!” I screamed when I saw the pink case. I pulled it out and hugged it to my chest.

“You did? Thank God.” I heard Beck say. I laughed and climbed out of my bunk. Caitlin walked over to me and gave me a hug. I was confused, but hugged back. After a few seconds she pulled away and looked up at me.

“I’m sorry I got a little mad.” She said.

“Its fine Cait, I would’ve been mad too. Let’s just be happy I found it.” I said. She nodded and walked back over to the TV.

                As I turned my phone on Beck said he was leaving. We all said goodbye as he left. There is no need to hug, we’ll see them later I guess. My phone finally turned on and I sat down on the couch. As soon as it did my ringtone, Niall’s solo in Better Than Words, began to play. By the time it was done I had three texts and five missed calls. The texts were from Niall as well as four of the calls. The last call was from Harry… I wonder what he wanted. I just saw him earlier today.

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