"I can't change what I did. And neither can you!" Diablo yelled at her and she stepped back a little. She was shocked at this but before she could say anything else everyone heard Annabelle speak out. She stepped out and faced them. 

"Hey guys." The woman smiled. Harley gasped and than what sounded like a sob came out. "Miss me?" She asked them and Grant stood up. He looked at her and she looked normal. She still had her head. "Hey baby." She smiled at Grant and he gaped at her.

"How long have you been able to see?" Enchantress asked Diablo as if Annabelle didn't just come in. Anna rolled her eyes and stepped closer to the group.

"My whole life. You can't have them. These are my people right here." Diablo stood up proudly. Annabelle made it to them and stood next to Diablo.

"If you want them, you have to get through us bitch." Annabelle said glaring at her. Enchantress knew that Annabelle was powerful and if she messed with anyone than she would be dead. 

"But it is our time. The sun is setting and the magic rises. The meta humans are a sign of change." Enchantress said.

"Lady...You are EVIL!" Floyd yelled out and everyone stood up.

"Brother. Make them bow to me." She said to him and he nod his head. He grew taller and Annabelle winced at how tall he was. As her grew taller Annabelle pulled Force edge out of her sheath and held it up. The demon blade glowed red and everyone looked at her. 

"I'll take care of big guy. Rick," He looked at her and she smirked, "Get a plan together and quickly, I don't think i want to die again." She smiled sheepishly and than Enchantresses brother slammed his hand down and Annabelle jumped out of the way. Incubus roared and Annabelle rolled her eyes. "Being dramatic much?" She said and he glared at her. She sighed and spread her wings. She jumped into the air as he tried to grab her. But she dodged out of the way. 

"She can't do this alone!" Diablo said to Rick and Grant. Grant sighed and looked at Rick.

"We gotta get him in that corner That's where the bomb will be." Rick pointed to the corner near the right of them. 

"I'll do it! I'll get him there. I lost one family. I ain't gonna lose one another." Diablo said and Rick just shook his head. 

"Look, think this throu-" He was cut off.

"I got this. Let me show you what I really am." He said and Rick looked at Grant and he nod his head at him. Rick nod his head at him and Diablo smiled running out. "Hey! Over here ugly." He yelled out and Annabelle smiled at him. 

"Rick we're in position." Nick said through the earpiece. Rick nod at Grant and he sighed standing up. 

"Diablo, Annabelle, drive him into the corner!" Grant yelled and began shooting the Eyes as they had come in. Harley smacked on in the head making him fall to the ground. He had a gun though but when he was about to shoot Harley, Annabelle threw Force at his head, making him limp. Harley smiled at her friend and she smiled back. 

"Please be careful cupcake." She said and than turned back to Diablo and Incubus. Than as Diablo turned into a raging beast. Making him his true form seen. Annabelle was shocked. He looked badass. Than Diablo rammed into Incubus and Annabelle said that was enough.

So she growled and a bright light came from her. She turned into a huge angel with bright light surrounding her. Everyone was almost blinded but they gasped to see Annabelle's true form. She stomped close to Incubus and lifted her hand. Force Edge came into her hand and she stabbed it through Incubus making him pushed into the corner.

"Diablo, Annabelle, get clear! Get out of there!" Rick and Grant yelled at them. 

Diablo looked at Annabelle and she nod to him. "Don't worry, you'll be fine." She said to him and he nod his head. 

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