Chapter Twelve

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Harry's P.O.V

Diana passes out in my arms and I decide whether or not to call for help but I realize she is breathing calmly and passed out but has a steady pulse.

I pick her up and lay her down on the bed and run her a bath. Once the bath is ready I undress Diana but keep her her undergarments on and put her in the water and clean her arm and bandage all of the cuts. I sit on the floor against the wall and sit there, looking at her unconscious body in the water. She's only been here for a week and we act like we've known each other for years. I can't help but feel some thing for her. She's so beautiful, kind, generous, and funny. It hurts to know she never really had friends and to be living the way she did.

The day she walked into Starbucks she took my breath away. I seen all of the marks on her face and everything. I could see the pain in her eyes. I just want to kiss all of her pain away. I want her to realize how perfect she is to me. I want her to see what I see. How perfect her face is, her hair, her eyes, how underweight she is. I want her to realize everything. And I'm going to help her do just that.

Diana's P.O.V

I regain consciousness and realize I'm in water. Was that all a dream? I look down to my arm and see the bandages. Nope, it all happened. I get out of the tub and change and look around for Harry but all I find is a note on the counter.

"I went to get some things. I'll be right back beautiful.

Love Haz. Xoxo

P.s. I made you a small sandwich, please eat it love. It's in the fridge."

I put the note down and open the fridge and grab the sandwich and start to eat instantly starting to feel a little better.

After i finish eating I decide to watch TV.
I sit on the couch and turn on the TV and start watching AHS and it starts to get boring and I fall asleep.

Harry's P.O.V

I get back from shopping and find Diana sleeping on the couch. I decide not to bother her so I go upstairs and put the things in the back of my closet and I go to my basement and work of this stress and energy.

Diana's P.O.V

I wake up to yelling on the TV and it's Tate yelling to Violet how much he loves her and stuff.
I turn it off and I hear music so I follow it. I find where it's from and I see Harry doing push ups.

Word count: 468.

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