Chapter Six: Mixed Emotions.

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Midnight Pov

I awoke the next morning, headed downstairs. All i could think about is Echo and Master Rinicos warning to stop us from feeling the way we do. Yet I cant help but wonder if this nervous feeling has to do with the guest downstairs his voice is so soothing and it makes my heart yearn to be near. Yet it was talking with my father so its someone he must know well. 

"Midnight, Echos here. You coming?" I heard my mom say i snapped out of thought and looked up Echo was there.

"Hey...." I said, I didn't want this connection to end I wanted to be Echos but things have to happen for reasons. I could feel he was uneasy about this too. He looked at me and smiled reassuring, i am sure he could also feel my uneasiness. I grabbed my bag and headed to Monorio Temple with Echo. Due to Nitora i was pulled out of school as was everyone, we now train in secret n are taught foxxe stuff. I'm taught more secretly to keep me hidden from the remaining others who don't know of my secret. I am the secret weapon, i have full moon midnight powers a strong power that's equal to Crimson moon power Aoilyns power, also her little secret so at some point, she will be training me.

" Midnight..can we talk outside..." Echo said heading out and i followed.

It was cold out, so i tried to keep warm, arms crossed and shivering. Echo looked at me with a sadness in his eyes.

"Hey listen..I'm sorry bout the other day just, i got caught up.. at the moment and.... I love you..." Echo said

"Its okay Echo..i know you meant no harm, it's not your fault your emotions just kicked in but I should tell you I think Rinico was right...this morning I heard his voice my soulmates talking to my dad I could feel it and my heart wanted to be near it but I'm so confused with everything I just have mixed emotions about all this." i felt my voice ache as I said those words

"Midnight do you think we can start over then as friends?" Echo frowned with a hint of sadness cause he knew you cant avoid fate of a soulmate. 

" Echo...i...guess maybe its best if we cant be together then we can be friends right?" I frowned at hating the fact we couldn't be.

"It's okay.. I know life ain't simple and when you feel a soulmate near and hear their voice you cant stop your heart wanting to be with them." He said turning away from me not wanting to show his tears.

"Echo....I'm sorry.... I never expected him to appear at all with my dad well even though Rinico said he would be here soon I didn't think over night..." I said trying to smile. A lie I told I want to just I'm stuck between my feelings, worst of it all I am crushing on storm, echo, and my soulmate

"Its okay i..understand..." He said a bit sad.

"Echo I'm sorry...."

Echo was already walking away as i said it, i wonder if he gonna be okay i feel like i really hurt him big. Tears started to fall down my face. I ran to my room and slammed the door. I hate everything it's so damn hard! why..why...

*30 minutes later*

"Midnight. it's me..Shadow" the voice said

"Come in shadow." I sat up and wiped my tears away, shadow sat next to me and looked me in the eyes.

"It's about Storm and Echo, isn't it. You like em both, i can tell plus Echo told me you might be upset, his senses told him. Its what he said so I'm confused." She said wiping my tears away.

"I just don't wanna date, if I can't find the one I truely like, storm is flirtatious but Echo is honest and my soulmate his voice is charming and I just cant get it out of my head.  So I like them all but storm has always  been there and my feelings for him are real." My voice cracked shadow patted my back.

"Midnight, i think you should follow your heart, Storm thinks of you as a little sister n he also thinks you should go with what your heart says," She said smiling then handing me her phone " call him" she smiled.

I looked at my phone and saw storms name I needed to hear this from him too. He thinks of me as his little sister? I don't get it he flirts with me a lot and that's little sister feelings? I his call



"Shadow?? Why she calling ..hello?"

"Storm I need to ask you some advice I could use my friend about now."

" Midnight!?.... I already told shadow what I thought and told her to tell you." I spoke as if I was saying the truth, yet the truth is I like Midnight and another she is the one who always is there for me more then I will ever know.

"but I wanna hear it from you...please what is your opinion on all this?"

"Midnight... I think you need to listen to your heart... it's you alone who decides what you feel"I felt my heart drop in sadness, she is so confused and yet I know how it feels so I don't let my crush for her grow I've slowly gotten over all of this slowly. Plus Taki was just told about his soulmate and in know too who it is.

"Thank you storm you're the best! luv yah big bro!" she said hanging up. guess its where it lays now right where it should a brother and sister relationship.

Anne Pov

Every was gatherer for dinner, Rinico set it up so they can have a nice meal after all their training. Midnight seemed upset earlier but she is fine now. Especially when she told me about her and Echos moment, how she got so confused then heard her soulmate's voice, which is Taki..but she doesn't know yet I have to let her meet him soon. I smiled and joined everyone, throughout the night laughter and fun was all i could hear. The smiles upon there faces and when i see Midnight side by side with storm and shadow, i can't help but think of me and Zerion when we started dating after i was pregnant with Midnight, it was unexpected and changed Zerion from evil to good. Midnight is his life he would do anything for her n her alone.

The night went on and eventually faded as everyone left, and went home. A wonderful night with a great turn out tomorrows gonna be a new day.

Suprise! so I finally introduced all that lays on midnights heart. yet have her soul mate introduced soon she will meet him when she goes to her dads for the weekend or while nitora is a girl who cause problems midnights training is gonna be in foxxe realm so its easier to watch her, she stopped her priestess training so now she is doing what she needed to begin with.

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