Chapter Three: Tuesdays disater

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Echos pov

I woke up, looked at my clock "CRAP! IM LATE!". i got up, got dressed and flew out the door Thunder and Lightning left already. They didnt even wake me up. Yes its tuesday but my training starts today so i get to miss school but so far ive caused disaters. I knocked my oj on the ground, spilled my cearel, fell down the stairs, and now im late what a day.

Midnights Pov

I looked over at Tanisha and Lynia they were deep in thought. They knew me better then anyone, yet choose not to speak to me today. They dont understand how ashames i feel about me being a halfbreed, Kia is the only one who understands me and she is older then me.

"Wheres Echo when you need him" i muttered as i crashed into someone.

"Midnight? You allright?" The familier voice asked.
I looked up "Storm your back! Umm why you here anyway?" I asked as i seen Shadow come behind him. Shadow is Storms younger sister whom i like hanging out with she understands me better then Tanisha.

"Im here for a reason same one the 3 wazoos are here for. You know Nitora" he whispered in my ear.

I jumped in shock to his breath on my ear. "Storm! You know i dont like you doing that!!" I yelled flustered.

It seemed Tanisha and Lynia noticed then the instant i yelled. "Storm i missed you" Tanisha said clinging to him, yeah Tanisha has a thing for Storm while me i like Echo though Storm likes teasing me alot. Shadow got Tanisha off him "we missed you too Tanisha now get off storm, we have business here" shadow spat out
That made me wanna laugh but i held it in. "Echo huh?" Shadow said grinning my face turned red crap she heard me forgot she had super hearing. " uh yeah...why" i said nerves

Storm got this grin on his face "Echo is here huh so i guess Thunder and Lightning are too, were just missing a few more people" storm said lauging. Shadow grinned at me and man is that not good she is one who keeps shipping people together example she ships Lynia and Storm, which they are enemys and now that she knows i like Echo im bout to suffer.

"So.. Echo huh? You like him dont you ?? Come on you can tell me dont lie to me face is an apple" shadow said poking me at a grin.
" Shadow i dont like echo! Enough already!" I said flustered my face became redder.
"Says the one getting-" she got cut off " hey midnight. Whats with the red face??" A familer voice said
"ECHO!!" i yelled as my face flew red please tell me he didnt hear that.
"Ummm because...because i-" shadow cut me off "she likes you thats why!" Shadow spat out " Do not!!" I said flustered even more shadows so unfair this day is a disater. 
I turned to see Echos reaction and man was his face red. Guess he likes me too or is embaressed but then his face saddened, must have been what i said. Now i feel bad. "Ummm i got no comment its not nice to tease her you know" Echo said blushing as he stood up for me.  "Ah Echo...your face is red"  i said and soon as i said that Echo looked at his phone and slipped on a bannana trying to get away to hide his face. Everyone burst into laughter.

"Echo you have issues little man." Storm said laughing so hard
"MAN TODAY STINKS!!!" Echo yelled.


I look up everyone is laughing at even midnight the most beautiful girl i know, but hey its not as bad as falling down stairs. Or spilling my oj. As i get up i head to the boys bathroom to get away from them, but as soon as i was bout to open the door *crash* the door slams in my face. I fall to the ground in pain.

"Oh Echo you fool look where your going" thunder said laughing as he walked off.

"Leave me be for today!" I cry out. As i get up i finally get to the bathroom and as always do whatever i do, i wash my hands but soon as i turn. Around lightnings behind me.
"Disater tuesday huh? I hate it" he yelped
"Hows ur disater tuesday" i ask his cant be as bad as man.
"Well i was flirting with the girls and the all threw food at me an mobbed me down and i fell in a mud puddle" he said frowning but at that moment i burst into laughing and then fell on a bit of water on floor. Man will today ever end. But this fall was worth it.

*time skip*
*final bell rings*

I headed to the front doors but Storm, and Shadow blocked me. Shadow had this look on her face i was nerves about.

"So you like Midnight right? Or was i imagining your blushing face" shadow teased

"Oh shadow let those two figure it out on there own" storm said grinning then walking away. Shadow followed but laughed at me, thing is i knew why my face turned red. When i look at midnight i get butterflies its not my fault, i just happen to like her since she first spoke to me.

"Better head out" i muttered

"Echo wait! I got a question!" A voice yelled i turned to see midnight running up to me.

"Yeh?" I reply

"You heading to see master Rinico?" She asked

"Uh ummm not really..."

"Oh....well okay guess ill see you tomorrow!" She yelled i cant help but get she needed my protection wait! Master Rinico wanted us to protect her Crap!

"Midnight wait! Im coming with"i yelled.

As i caught up she turned and smiled then frowned. " i need to be honest with you, the training im undergoing is diferent then yours." She said

"Well you a preistess right? Kia is too she is a half breed" i replied

"DONT SAY THAT WORD AGAIN!" She snapped. That shocked me she was ofended by tht word, wait is she?? What i think she is.

"Umm are you like kia? Your repsonse seemed little too serious." I asked. I have to know. It would explain why ive liked her since day one.

"Huh...what you mean like kia? Im only standing up for her got a problem!" She yelled

Darn i was wrong. " no just ive never seen yah like this, plus how you know she doesnt like the word?"

" she told me, plus said its the worse you can call a hanyo. Yet i dont have a clue what a hanyo is." She frowned

" well a hanyo is what you call a half yokai half humen n etc"

She looked at me shocked. Then frowned and suddenly a dark look came over her. What is up with her allasudden.

" Then it makes sense now. Well thanks for protecting me!" She said as she headed through the tori gates.

Midnight Lunorraine (rewriting It)Where stories live. Discover now