Chapter Thirteen: A New Fox!

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As the day carried on, Midnight couldnt stop thinking of Taki for he somewhat captured her mind. The way it felt when his eyes gleemed under the light and how his smile made her heart race. She was slowly falling in love with Taki, Never knowing why. His past was not well, his father the evil lord yet him an angel a kind gentle foxxe. In her mind it echoed his name over and over. She couldnt wait to see Taki and how he will benefit them in this world of the mortal realm. Not a clue nor a sound she made as sat in her room sleeping away, with thoughts of Taki's smile crossing upon her mind.

Midnight pov

As I opened my eyes, i gazed up at the ceiling in wonder will Taki be at the shrine today? I am so excited. I dont understand it but i have this somewhat connection with Taki that i can not seem to get a hint of the meaning of this dazzling feeling leaping upon my heart. The way it races when he is near and how his smile can make me blush so much. Taki is a definate one of a kind, my special one of a kind. Why in all places would the one for me be at a place so distant, i cant bare to be afar, i only recently met him, yet my heart screams out his name.

"MIDNIGHT WAKE UP!" a voice booms

"EEK!" I yell as i jump falling to the floor cover in blankets in all.

"Ah Midnight?" My mother asked

"Yes?" I said getting up, and putting my blankets on bed. Straightning my clothes up with my face red.

"Why is Taki's name written all over on your paper?" She asked

I turned to see, my journal open with one name in particular written repeativly over and over. Taki.

"Well...i um may have a little crush on Taki.." i blushed as those words came out.

"Oh Midnight, you've fallen captive of his charm, one he alone imprinted on you." My mother said as she hugged me.

Her warmth filled me with joy, my mother always makes my days so cheerful. We headed downstairs, as i reached the bottom my heart jolted quickly. I turned around to find Taki in the living room with Storm.

I quickly gathered myself back together and focused on the situation at hand. Evil Lord...

"Morning Midnight, your looking cute today" Taki said winking

My heart raced, i was spellbound by his enchanting eyes. I could feel warmth upon my heart, the way his eyes made me feel safe was so reassuring.

"Ah thanks?" I said kicking the ground nervously. "Um Taki...why you here? Storm i get but you?" I questioned why, not that i didn't enjoy the company but was puzzled by his presence.

"Storm here told me we needed to talk, that he feels that there is a presence in the foxxe" Taki explained carefully

"Yes, Taki is correct. A new foxxe has appeared and we must find her, and Taki and I thought maybe you wanted to go with so he can get to know you more. You know the imprint is plain to see Midnight" Storm grinned as he spoke teasing me in a Manor of flirtatiousness.

"Well uh sure i guess, but imprint? And Taki?" I was in shock, confused by storms words.

"Basically you and Taki have this rare bond. A bond that comes every now and then, the feelings for him you feel are same he has for you. Midnight Taki's in love with you" Storm blurted out so bluntly.

I froze there motioneless as if time its self has stoped and sealed my fate. Taki loves me.........

To be continued...

Sorry i havent been on in awhile ive been at college last two months and it has changed my style of writing but i made it into the trait i want

ed to go into so im all good. Happy but good. Hope you enjoyed this update please let me know your thoughts on my newest style. Thank you

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