"Lexi you're the first girl he has ever been with at this school, Krista has threatened every girl in the school telling them to stay away from Jacob or else she'll make their lives hell, but you aren't afraid of her and its really pissed her off, and he really likes you I can tell the way he looks at you is unreal, I think he's falling in love you just as your falling in love with him".

I sigh slouching in my seat "Lucy, I Can't fall for him, I just Can't, if my family find out I'M falling for him and then also find that he's a bad boy they'll take me away I'll never see him or you ever again" a small tear falls down my face.

Before I knew it we had talked the entire day, I drop Lucy off at her house going home I park my car.

Getting out I head straight to my room, going into my wardrobe I pull out my duffel bag, putting in my clothes, from track suits to leather trousers, after half an hour of packing I write a note and put it on the pillow of my bed.

Walking down stairs I go to the office unlocking it with my code I go in, walking to the desk I sit in the swivel chair, pulling out papers I look at some documents.

The documents in the office are to do with criminals and gangs around America, searching through the piles I find the gang 'terror streets gang' that's situated in Bay City Michigan, some of the members are wanted on a murder charge some on kidnapping, looking through the file I see that there is a seven year old boy and a baby girl which are missing and are thought to have been kidnapped and the terror street gang are the main suspects due to the fact a lot of the gang members prints are at the crime scene of where the two children were last seen.

Collecting the information need, I grab my bags walking out the door locking it behind me, then heading to the front door I lock the house up getting into my 1970 dodge charger RT and setting off for Michigan.

A week has passed and I've had none stop calls and texts off of Lucy and even Jacob has messaged and called me, I've been ignoring there calls all week, I know it must annoy them but I Can't call them not yet anyway.

I finally arrive at the terror street gang main living/work place parking my car round the corner so no one would spot it I climb out walking round to the boot of the car pulling out my ak47 along with two knife and two more back up guns placing them in the back of my trousers and the knifes in my boots I'M ready for whatever may be ahead tonight.

Walking round the building I count two guards on each door, the perimeter is high on guard there's no way I can get in and out without being seen.

Heading back to the car, I pull out my computer searching through the records I find the two missing children the seven-year-old boy called Cameron and the baby girl who is only one-year-old called Sophie they were taken three months ago from their home in Mount Pleasant 50 miles away from here.

Their parents have been on the news pictures are everywhere and the cops are starting to think that they are dead and won't be found, soon they are going to stop looking for them and the gang if they don't get a new lead.

I pick up my heat sensor pointing it in the direction of the building where the gang is staying, I move it around counting how many people are in the building.

everywhere I turn the sensor I find more people all holding some sort of weapon, by the time I'm finished I find 27 men in the building all holding weapons mainly guns and I find right in the middle of the building two small heat signatures curled up in a corner of the room, one smaller than the other, right there I knew that I found the kids and I had to get them out and soon.

Starting the car, I drive off in search of supplies also to look at the home and the parents of the two kids.

the rest of the day spend sat in my car opposite the kid's house watching as news crews stand outside waiting for the parents of the two kids to exit so they can bombard them with questions to do with the missing children after hours of watching and surveying the house I drive off and collect the items I need for this mission so to speak.

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