Chapter 2

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I walked in through the front doors of this educational building we all call school. The minute I walked in, everyone started making jokes about me...again. God, people never grow up. So what if I wear glasses and clothes form goodwill. Not everyone has a lavish lifestyle. I might as well just go to class and get a seat in the front. Only the cool kids sit in the back and if I sat there, I would just be forced to move to the front. I'll just save myself the embarrassment by just sitting in the front. Let's see, my first class is English. Yes! I love English class. I love reading, I love writing, I love grammar...

The teacher wasn't there yet, but the classroom door was open so I just went in and took the seat that no one wants. The desk right in front of the teacher's desk. I sat down and took another look at my class schedule. The teacher for this class is Mr. Anderson. Hmmm...must be the new teacher. A little while later people started piling into the classroom, but Mr. Anderson still hadn't showed up.

"Move" I head someone say. I looked up and it was Melony, the head cheerleader. "Didn't you hear me? I said MOVE! Now!"

"I thought nobody liked this seat.". I replied.

"Well I do. Now go sit in the back.". She commanded. I got up and moved to the desk in the very back. I guess this isn't so bad. The bell rang and the teacher still hadn't shown up so I decided to take out the book I was reading, the Great Gatsby. I think this is one of the books we'll be reading this year. It's better to be ahead than behind. A chapter later, I heard an all so familiar voice.

"Sorry I'm late, class. I overslept, but I'm here now, so I'll be taking attendance and then moving you to your assigned seats."

Everyone groaned when he said, assigned seats. I looked up and I saw the sexiest man alive...Brett. Now I know why Melony wanted the seat in front of the teacher's desk. The teacher is young and hot. But back to the more important fact, Brett is my fricken teacher! Oh god, I hope he doesn't recognize me.

"Alright, when I call your name please stand up and move to the desk I point to.". He moved to the first desk, which was in first of his desk. Melony gave him a flirtatious smile, which he ignore. "Gertrude Goldsmith?"

I slowly stood up and walked over to the desk Meliny was sitting at. "Mr. Anderson, I think I'd benefit more from sitting here. I feel like I learn much more when I sit in the front.". Melony said, trying to convince him to let her stay there.

"Trust me, miss..."

"Deluna. Melony Deluna."

"Well Miss Deluna, I'm very well aware of your grades and the need to be in the front. I have you assigned over there." he pointed to the seat in the front row near the door. "You can move over there now.". He instructed.

Melony stood up and stomped her way over to her new desk. I sat down at the desk in front of Mr. Anderson's desk and looked up at him. He smiled at me. "Gertrude, I know how much you like sitting in the front. That's why I put you there.". Then I have him a confused look. Oh no. He recognizes me. "I've talked to some other teachers and they all had very nice things to say about you. One of which was that you always sit in the front.". He added, realizing how confused I was. He continued with roll call and assigning seats. After he finished, he stood in front of the room. "Ok class, now we're gonna play a little game. I ask you a question and then you ask me a question. Got it? Good. Let's start with Gertrude. Gertrude, what's your favorite book?"

"Ummm..,I don't have a favorite book." I answered, letting out a sigh of relief. Good. He didn't recognize me.

"Don't you like to read?"

"Of course. I read all the time." I said, picking up the book I was currently reading.

Mr. Anderson smirked and walked over to me, taking the book out of my hands. He nodded approvingly. "The Great Gatsby. This is one of the books we'll be reading later on in the year. How do you like it so far?"

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