Chapter 24

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We stood over his grave. Brett held me close as we stood there in complete silence. His headstone read 'Loving father, husband, brother, and friend. We shall never forget the joy you brought to our lives'.

I had just gotten out of the hospital after a month. Apparently I went back into a coma after the first few days I woke up. But I heard every voice and everything that went n while I was in my coma. It was amazing...sort of like what you see in a movie. I heard everything Brett said to me, that he loved me, that he'd never leave me, pleading for me to wake up again. He never left my side. His mom came to visit it me. She just sat and held my hand while Brett slept on the couch. She assured him that she'd watch me so he could finally get some rest. When I woke up, Brett was right there with me. He hugged and kissed me, and about a week later, I was released from the hospital and here we are, at the cemetery.

It's not one of those cliche moments where the rain is pouring down on us as we stand under an umbrella.  It's a beautiful day.  The sun is shining bright, the skies are clear, birds chirping, and grass being mowed.  I guess it's Brett's dad's way of telling me he's fine now and that I should be happy.  And I am.  I'm happy to be with Brett, to be ridden of my father, to be loved once and for all. No more worries or being afraid. I can feel safe again and be with the people I love.  Brett's father gave his life for me and I intend to live my life to its fullest. 

Brett and I will be getting married sometime next year, but for now, our story comes to an end.  It's a sad day, a sad ending, but our story and our life will continue on.  The coming months will be hectic and times will be hard for everyone without Brett's father.  But next year will bring happiness, a marriage, and so many more things.  But until then, farewell.


This story is finally finished.  I know everyone was probably expecting something more, but I haven't been able to get back into this story, but I hope everyone had enjoyed the rest of this story.

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