Chapter 12

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Me and Brett were packing cardboard boxes at my parents' house. We finished packing everything in my room and now we just have to finish packing all my parents' stuff and put it in storage. I'm selling the house. Its not gonna be worth much, but at least I'll have some money to put in the bank. Later on, we're going to have to pack everything in Brett's apartment. We're moving in with Brett's parents in Minnesota....for the time being. Until Brett can find a job, we're gonna have to live with his parents and I'm gonna have to go to the public school there.

Brett says there's not much in Minnesota, but it's beautiful. He also says that the school there is very small, so the student to teacher ratio is low and I'll have a good chance in having the highest GPA....I already had the highest GPA at Whitefield Preporatory Academy.

I'm nervous about moving, though. I've lived in Chasilinton, Massachusetts my whole life. I've never been outside this town, except for school. I wonder what Paradisina, Minnesota is like. I guess I'll find out tomorrow. Yep...tomorrow. We are leaving tomorrow, which means we have to have everything packed by tomorrow. The house will take a while to sell, so there's no rush there.

"Ok I think that's everything here." Brett stated. Looking around one more time. "Yep. That's it. Now let's get this stuff off to storage and then we can go to my apartment."

"Sounds good."

We loaded the boxes into Brett's car, separating my stuff from my parents' stuff and drove to the storage unit. I had sent a letter to both my mother and father explaining that hawks selling the house and i moved their belongings to a storage unit. I wrote down the address of the storage unit and left the key with the manager. I told the manager that when either Lucinda Goldsmith or Bobby Goldsmith came around, asking for the key, to give it to them. Its their stuff, and i dont want them in my life anymore. Sure, they would be mad, but what do i care?

We unloaded my parents' stuff and then drove to Brett's apartment. It took us all night to pack up Brett's apartment. In fact, the clock read 6 am when I finally laid down flat on my back on the floor. Brett laid down next to me.

"Our flight leaves in three hours.". He stated.

"Ugh" I groaned. "Why did you have to get such an early flight?" I whined, while rolling over on my stomach.

"Nine A.M. isnt early. School starts earlier than that."

"But we're not in school anymore."

"I'm not, you are...kinda. Well once you start school in Minnesota you'll be getting up early."

"And once you get a job, you will too."

"Whatever. We should probably be leaving for the airport soon. I'll call a cab.". He got up from the floor.

"Hey, what about your car? We're taking a plane to Minnesota so..."

"Derek's gonna visit me sometime next week. He'll drive my car to Minnesota and then take a plane back." he clarified.

"Oh.". Derek was Brett's roommate in college. I hadn't met Derek, but Brett speaks highly of him.

He chuckled and went to call a cab. I continued to lay down on the floor, about to doze off. I closed my eyes and then the next thing I knew, I felt staing at me. I opened my eyes again and let out a little scream. Brett was hovering over me, his face a mere 1/2 inch away from me. The first thing i saw were Brett's gorgeous blue eyes. Brett began laughing uncontrollably.

"Brett!!"I yelled.

"I'm sorry, Gertrude. I just couldnt resist." he gave me a peck in the lips and then helped me up off the floor. "The cab will be here in ten minutes."

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