Chapter 5

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Mr. Anderson is sure in for a surprise today. I decided to wear Bambi's clothes, but wear the nerdy glasses and hair in a bun. I'm wearing my contacts and makeup underneath. I'm turning into Bambi during English class. I can't keep this a secret from Brett. It just wouldn't be right. And if he really loves me, he'll find a way for us to be together. I know I said we couldn't be together, but the truth is, I love him and I want to be with him.

I walked into English class early like I always do. I made my plaid skirt shorter, I unbuttoned the top buttons of my shirt, and showed off my chest a little. I looked stunning and sexy especially in this version of the school uniform, well, I would If I weren't wearing these nerd glasses and my hair in a bun. I honestly can't see much wearing contacts AND glasses. But hopefully I won't have to wear these glasses much longer. Once I reveal Bambi to the world, maybe people will stop picking on me. But this will mean I'll lose Brett. But Brett told Bambi that age didn't matter to him. Yet, that was when he wasn't my teacher and I wasn't his student.

I took my seat in front of Mr. Anderson's desk. "Good morning, Gertrude.". He greeted, happily.

"Good morning, Mr. Anderson. You seem happy today."

"I am. Very."

"May I ask why?"

"Well, I know you don't like talking to teachers about your personal life, so I'm sure you wouldn't want a teacher talking to you about their personal life. BUT I'm just dying to tell someone.". He paused. I'm meeting the love of my life today...or so she says."

"How do you know she's the love of your life if you've never met her, Mr. Anderson?" I giggled.

"I've talked to her online and she's just....amazing. You won't tell anyone, will you?"

I shook my head. "No. I won't."

"Good. I knew I could trust you. Who knows. Maybe one day I'll have you two meet. You two seem so much alike. I mean, you know, based on your situation at home. Speaking of that, have you thought about it? Will you let me help you?"

"Oh, I...I don't know. I'm not sure you'll want to help me, Mr. Anderson."

"Of course I want to help you, Gertrude. That's a promise I'll keep, no matter what."

I gave him a small smile. "We'll see."

Then the bell rang and Mr. Anderson got up from his desk and stood in front of the classroom. "Class, settle down. Today's the first day we'll be doing some real work." he announced. Everyone groaned. "Oh come on guys. The work's not that hard. We're starting a play today. Gertrude may know this play very well. Gertrude, can you guess which play we will be reading?"

"The Crucible?" I guess.

"Correct. The Crucible.". He picked up a stack of books and handed them to the first person in each row. "Please take a copy of the play and pass them back."

After the books were handed out Mr. Anderson assigned roles. "Ok. So I'm gonna be John Proctor. Eliza, you'll be Ruth. Stacy, you'll be Abigail. Rick, you be Reverend Hale. Dave, you be Reverend Parris, Lacy, is Rebecca Nurse, Luke is Francis Nurse, Tom is Giles Corey, Bob is Thomas Putnam, Raina is Ann Putnam, Lily is Tituba, Cindy is Mary Warren, and Gertrude is Elizabeth Proctor. I'll assign the rest of the characters when we get to them. Now then, let's begin."

We got throough the first act of the play and we were onto the second act. Well, I guess I've put this off long enough. It's time to reveal Bambi. First, I took off my glasses and put them in my back pack. My part was coming up in the play, and honestly, I couldn't see a damn thing. Mr. Anderson was sitting at his desk, reciting his line. He noticed I took off my glasses and he stopped mid-sentence, starting to recognize Bambi, but not yet completely putting the pieces together. He continued reading and next was my line. I recited it and then was Mr. Anderson's line again. This time I took my hair out of the bun and let his fall down past my shoulders. I have long hair...almost to my waist.

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