Chapter 15

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Everyone sat down at the table. I sat next to Brett, Mary and Bobby sat at the ends of the table, and Jake sat across from me. We all began eating in an awkward silence. Brett and Jake were glaring at eachother. Mary and Bobby kept exchanging looks about the glaring. And I just sat there, eating my dinner in peace.

"So, Brett tells me you have horses?". I asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Yes, Gertrude. Sugar plum, Scarlet, Frosty, Andy, and George. We each have our own horse. Scarlett's mine, George is Bobby's, Frosty is Brett's and Andy is Jake's. Sugar Plum will be yours."

Brett choked in a piece of chicken. " of ...our horses?!"

"Yes, Brett. Jake is living here. He's like part of the family now."

"Doesn't he have his own family?"

"My family moved to Florida two years ago. The bank took possession of our farm and my family moved to Florida. I stayed behind. I couldn't leave Minnesota. It's my home." Jake answered. "You're parents were kind enough to give me a job and welcome me into their home. They treat me like I'm their own son."

"Well you aren't. I am."

"Brett, be nice. Let's talk about something else.. Gertrude, we enrolled you in school. You start tomorrow."

"Thank you, Mary."

"Brett, you'll take Gertrude to school, which starts at 9 by the way."

"I was planning to. I actually need to talk to the superintendent tomorrow morning about a job."

I stared at him like he was crazy. "You're gong to be my teacher again? I thought the whole point of leaving Whitefield Academy was so we could be together."

"It was. And no, I'm not going to be YOUR teacher...Im going to be the principal."

Jake started laughing. "Excuse me.". He said as he got up from the table and went into another room.

"Brett." I scolded.

"Gertrude, it won't be a problem. Folks around here know who I am. They won't care if I'm dating a student or not. They know I'm a good man. And besides, no one will find out. If one of the other students finds out, then I'll just give them detention. And there's know rules against students and teachers dating...that I know of."

"Brett, do you really think its a good idea?"

"No...but I need a job, Getrude and Paradisina High School is the closest school. The next nearest high school is over an hour away. I'm not driving to and from work for that long."

"He's right Gertrude. It would be pointless to have a job that far away. Just see how this all plays out.". Bobby suggested.

"I agree with Bobby. Just wing it, for now. I know everyone around here. They wouldn't care...if they found out. We're all friendly people and get along just fine. Don't worry about a thing.". Mary said.

"Alright.". I answered, still not sure about the whole thing. "As long as this doesn't jepordize me getting into college."

Brett took my hand in his and kissed the top of my hand. "It won't. I promise."

"If you say so."

"I do say so. Now, after we're done eating, I'm taking you horse back riding. It's still light out and the lake is breath takingly beautiful at sunset."

"Really? Ok." I took one last bite of my dinner. "All done."

Brett chuckled. "I guess it's time to go. Mom, I'll do the dishes when we get back."

"Oh. No. Don't worry about a thing. I'll do the dishes. Just go have fun..,but not too much fun."

"Got it, Mom. Come on, Gertrude.". Brett led me out to the stables and over to a brown horse with white spots on the top of it. "Hey, Frosty. Remember me? Yeah of course you do. Gertrude, this is Frosty."

I smiled, not wanting to get too close to the horse.

"Come on. He won't bite.". He pulled me next to him and placed my hand on the horse and guided my hand to pet it. "See? He likes you, which means Sugar Plum will too.". Brett led me over to the next stall which had a pure white horse in it. "Sugar Plum, meet Gertrude, my girlfriend."

The horse nay-ed...or whatever horses do.

"I think Sugar Plum likes you." he whispered in my ear. "I'll saddle up the horses."

*bark bark*. Brett turned around and saw a small dog running towards him. Brett knelt down and the dog ran into his arms.

"Hey Sam. I've missed you.". He picked up 'Sam' and brought him over to me. "I forgot to tell you about Sam. He's been in the family for 9 years. Here, you can play with him while I get the horses ready.". He hand Sam to me.

Sam licked my nose and cuddled next to me in my arms. Awww...he's so cute. I went over to one of the benches and sat down and petted Sam. I watched Brett. He fits right in...he belongs here. He's a farm boy alright. I think we're gonna be staying here for a long time. We belong here....together.

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