8. Are You Lonesome Tonight

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September 18th, 2017.

I stand nailed to my spot, my jaw hanging, not believing my eyes. My roommate seems to be having trouble believing hers as well, and the boy behind her looks up at me and I can see a slight change on his expression and he can't help to mumble "You've got to be kiddin me" under his breath.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly.

"Victoria?" I ask, staring at her in disbelief.

"¿Qué haces aquí?" she asks.

After that we both change to Spanish.

"What are you doing here?" Victoria wants to know.

"I'm doing an Erasmus at the University College of London"

"So am I!" Victoria jumps, "I'm doing a practical Erasmus at the University's hospital"

"Why didn't you say anything about it?"

"I didn't want anyone who could interact with Niall to know until he knew! Why didn't you say anything?" she fires back

"I was gonna send you a picture tomorrow next to the Big Ben. I knew you were here and I was gonna surprise you. I had no idea you were staying the whole year!"

Suddenly, a hawk coming from Victoria's back brings us both back to reality.

"Niall, I suppose you remember Daniel" Victoria says turning to him; "Dan, this is Niall"

"Yeah, I remember him" I answer reaching out my hand to shake Niall's, "How are you?"

"Dan is staying this year in London doing an Erasmus" Victoria explains.

"I'm tired" Niall answers, "can we please go to sleep?"

"Sure" Vic smiles, "night-night, Dan" she says turning to me.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I smile back and wave at Niall before they close the bedroom door behind them.

Wait, what just happened?

I sit on the bed, staring at my bedroom door.

I must be dreaming.

I shake my head and stand up, walking to my suitcases and leaving them on the bed. I'm not tired so I might as well start unpacking and making this room feel more mine. I might buy some posters to hang them around. I'm sure Vic knows great places where I can buy them. I'll ask her. You can knock on her door and do so.

Wow, this is surreal. I'm gonna be living with... I shake my head, take my t-shirts and start putting them on the shelves. 

Maybe you could've cleaned the shelves first

Meh, too late for that now.

A knock on the door almost makes me fall from the chair I was standing to put the first suitcase I've emptied on the top shelf.

The door opens slowly, a familiar face popping from behind it.

"Can I come in?" she asks, smiling.

"Sure" I say jumping to the floor and opening the second suitcase; "Niall...?"

"Deeply asleep" Vic says, pointing at my bed, asking if she can sit on it. I nod; "I was too shocked to even close my eyes" she confesses, resting her back on the bed's headboard.

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