Stepping down out of the van with Ashton's help, Chloe took a deep breath as they approached the entrance. Jamie and Chris went in first, followed by Ashton and Chloe with Nick behind them. Upon entering, Chloe took a good look around. There was a huge bar along one side, flanked by a row of bikers who didn't think anything of staring at them, specifically at her.

Quickly averting her gaze, she noticed some pool tables and behind them, a row of booths along the far wall. The place was teeming with road weary travelers and locals of all shapes and sizes. It was obviously the only hangout in the nearby area. There were a few women but they were either with the bikers or they were waitresses.

Glancing nervously downwards, she focused on her hand in Ashton's and gave his fingers a squeeze.

"I've got you, sweetness," he said. "You're all right."

A waitress guided them to the last available booth. Nick scooted up first and Chloe sat between him and Ashton. It was a tight squeeze but it was reassuring and she relaxed a little. When Nick put his arm around her shoulders she didn't think twice about leaning into him, giving Ashton's mangled hand a much-needed break from her death grip.

"Relax, Chloe," Jamie said, noticing her discomfort. "What's the problem? It's just a bar." He looked curiously to Ashton.

Chloe realized that it was just a bar but ever since the night of the assault, certain situations triggered that memory and the fear sometimes overwhelmed her. Jamie and Chris didn't know about that night so they couldn't really understand. Ashton and Nick understood and that's why they never left her alone for too long, especially in a place like this.

"Let's just order some food," Ashton said, thankfully getting off topic. "Should we get some appetizers?"

The waitress came around and took their order. Everyone agreed on burgers and fries since it seemed to be the only decent option on the menu. All the guys but Jamie, the designated driver, ordered a beer. Ashton ordered Chloe a glass of wine, hoping it would take the edge off her tonight.

When the beverages arrived, Chloe gratefully sipped her wine. She contentedly leaned against Nick. His arm rested easily on her shoulders. Ashton clinked beers with Nick and gave him a knowing nod.

"Aw, isn't it cozy. The three of you are something else," Jamie snorted, shaking his head. "What do you think about all this, Chris?"

"What do I think about what?" Chris asked with a frown, leaning into the corner against the wall. He seemed disinterested or distracted, checking his phone now and then.

"These three sitting here like no one else is in the room," Jamie snarked, motioning to Chloe, Nick, and Ashton.

"Jealous?" Nick asked, looking over at him through his lashes.

"What's the matter, man? You feeling left out?" Ashton asked with a sly smile, taking Chloe's hand and placing it on his lap.

"Yeah, right. We'll just see how this all turns out," Jamie scoffed. "You all just better watch yourselves."

"Mind your own fucking business, man!" Chris shouted at Jamie. "Quit trying to stir up shit."

Caught off guard by his tone, everybody turned and looked at him. It wasn't like Chris to get worked up or show emotion.

"Relax, man," Jamie said, taken aback.

"What's it to you, anyway, jackass?" Chris challenged him. "Is all this getting along shit too pleasant for you? Is that why you have to go looking for trouble?"

"What's your problem?" Jamie asked defensively.

Chloe looked questioningly from Nick to Ashton, but they too appeared just as shocked as she was to hear Chris finally speak up.

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