Chapter 10

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An hour or so later, a sudden loud knock on the front door awoke her. She jumped with a start, hoping Ashton would get it. She then realized he wouldn't have heard it over the droning sound of music coming from his room.

After another loud impatient knock, Chloe straightened herself up, dragged her fingers through her hair and scrambled to open the front door. She was greeted with a big and somewhat confused grin.

"Hey... wow! You must be Chloe, Ashton's new assistant," said the tall, dark stranger. He flashed her a devastating smile.

"Yes, please come in," Chloe answered shyly. She couldn't help but stare at him. Quite possibly as tall as Ashton, he had shoulder length black hair, styled in a multitude of spikes around his head, except where it was ironed straight, stylishly framing his very pretty face. Yes, pretty was the only way to describe his striking features. In return, he none too shyly checked her out, smiling impossibly wider. After a lingering appreciative nod, he stepped around her, walking straight through in the direction of her bedroom.

"So, how do you like the furniture?" She heard him ask. When she didn't answer right away, the charming stranger poked his head out of the room and waited.

His familiarity was just a little disconcerting. She approached him gingerly. With a questioning tone she answered, "Um, it's very nice?" She watched him curiously as he ran his hands along the bed frame and cabinets, still wearing a smile on his handsome face. He was dressed all in black, wearing leather cuffs around his wrists and a studded belt around his waist. She suddenly remembered him as the bass player from the other night.

Turning toward her with his hand outstretched, he finally introduced himself. "I'm Nick, by the way, Ashton's friend." She timidly shook his hand. He smiled sweetly and looked her over with his dark brown eyes. He was definitely friendly and completely disarming. His large warm hand held hers just a bit longer than necessary, long enough for Ashton to notice as he entered the room.

When he cleared his throat, they both turned to face him. "I see you've met the one and only Nick Arrow." Ashton smiled knowingly, shaking his head. "Have you thanked him for your furniture, Chloe? He was quite concerned."

"Yeah well, you know, it helps when your family is in the business. It was the best I could do in the time frame given me." Nick shrugged.

"You're in the furniture business?" Chloe asked, surprised. She was having trouble picturing him in his present attire, selling furniture of all things.

Nick and Ashton both laughed at her incredulous question.

"Well, it would be my father's dream come true but to his horror I chose to be a musician," he answered with an irresistible pout.

"Nick plays bass in the band. He's also my best friend and partner in crime," Ashton said, grabbing Nick into a headlock. "No doubt we'll all get along famously," he added, tightening his grip.

"Hey, Ashton, watch the hair, man!" Nick said as he struggled to get free."

Chloe couldn't help laughing at their boyish behavior. She turned and walked out of the room, throwing her hands up jokingly and drew herself a glass of water, giggling as they came spilling out of her room behind her. "Thank you, Nick. I love the furniture. It's perfect," she said as they continued wrestling into the living room.

Another abrupt knock on the door interrupted their horseplay. Ashton reached the door first. Chloe stood drinking her water in the kitchen not knowing what to expect next. Nick straightened up, composing himself while fidgeting with his tousled hair.

She tensed, hearing more throaty male voices. One new unfamiliar voice greeted Ashton with such vile oaths and curses, she couldn't help but frown. They sounded like a pack of wolves greeting each other after a prolonged absence. Sensing the inevitable, Nick shot Chloe a wary glance.

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