Chapter 16

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Chloe awoke from her nap with a start. It was four o'clock, time to start planning dinner. Back to business, she told herself. She was sure she had just been temporarily out of her mind earlier, probably feeling a little vulnerable, exposing her life story like that.

Straightening herself up, she trailed her fingers through her hair. In the bathroom, she splashed some water on her face, re-applied a little makeup and went into the kitchen. Thinking quickly, she took some chicken out of the fridge, tossed it around in some marinade and placed it back in the fridge for a while. She then prepared some potatoes and vegetables and set them aside. She'd have it all ready for six o'clock sharp. In the meantime, she washed the dishes from earlier and set the table, one setting for Ashton in front of his chair and one across the table for herself.

That done, she hung up Ashton's jacket and straightened some magazines into neat piles. Walking over to the front door, she noticed another jacket on the floor. Hanging it up, she realized someone must have come by while she slept. Oh well, if whoever he was decided to stay, there would be enough for everyone. Chloe always overcompensated when it came to food. Turning the oven on, she pulled out a couple of the recently purchased pots and got everything going.

Now, all there was left to do was relax. It felt a little strange doing something as mundane as cooking just now after the strange day she'd had so far. Searching the fridge, she laughed noticing Ashton had replenished the wine supply. All reds. Cool, she thought with a smile.

She took one bottle out and placed it on the table. It was Sunday after all and he wouldn't have to drive her anywhere tonight. Maybe after a glass or two, he'd tell her all about himself.

Sitting down on the couch, Chloe flipped through one of the many magazines. She studied the pictures of different types of guitars. She read articles on various music related subjects, including interviews with musicians. There were all sorts of topics that really didn't mean anything to her. But she felt she should try and understand. Maybe it would help her to better relate to Ashton's artistic angst.

Putting the magazine down for a minute, she checked on dinner. She hoped he would like it. He hadn't really been specific about what foods he preferred as long as it didn't involve peanut butter. Closing the oven she turned back to continue reading her magazine where she'd left off. Just as she sat back down, she heard voices and hurried footsteps down the stairs.

"Chloe!" Nick exclaimed, bouncing down next to her on the couch. He sat grinning at her, his long dark bangs obscuring his eyes. "You're up and busy." He glanced into the kitchen. "What's for dinner, honey?" he asked with an expectant smile while reaching an eager arm around her shoulders.

Ashton sat down in his armchair, chuckling indulgently at his friend, slowly shaking his head.

"Hey, Nick!" Matching his enthusiasm, she smiled into his handsome face. "Chicken, my dear, with potatoes and veggies," she explained, glancing sideways at Ashton's bemused expression. "And there's enough for your good buddy, Ashton, too. Why don't you ask him to join us?" she teased.

"Well, he can stay for dinner, but he'll have to leave before dessert!" Nick retorted as he pulled her up on his lap, playfully puckering his lips. Chloe laughed as she squirmed around, fighting off his playful advances.

In the background, Chloe heard the oven beep. "Okay, Nick, let go. I've got to get that."

"Oh, come on, just one kiss and I'll release you," he teased, undaunted. Chloe giggled, hiding her face away.

"Enough already." Ashton lifted Chloe out of Nick's grip. "Aren't you puppies done playing?" he asked, swatting Nick with the rolled up magazine in Chloe's hand. Nick shot him an indignant look.

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