Chapter 6

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Ashton dropped her off at the front door of the dorm. "Are you okay to make it inside on your own?" he asked with a smile.

"Yes, thanks. I think your driving sobered me up. You and that Mini Cooper are quite the force to be reckoned with," she teased.

"Oh, come on now, be nice. You made it home in one piece, didn't you?" he said ruefully.

She gave him a drowsy smile. "Thank you. That was very kind of you."

"Hey, before you go, did you make that list? Of the things you'll need?"

Chloe dug around and found it in her pocket. "Yes, here it is." She held it out to him, suddenly embarrassed at the length of it. Surely, he'd be upset.

He glanced at it, raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Why don't I just pick you up Wednesday evening? We'll go shopping together. I'll never get this right on my own."

"Shopping? Together? Okay, sure, Wednesday it is. Hey, why don't I meet you back at your place? I don't want to have to deal with the questions if I have to explain why the great rockstar, Ashton Wright, is picking me up."

"Hey, I'm not that famous."

"Well, be that as it may, it would just be better. See you Wednesday," she said, stepping inside and slowly closing the door. Chloe stood still a moment trying to regain some composure before she ran into any of the students. Thankfully, the coast was clear, she ran up to her room.

Still in a state of disbelief, Chloe got herself ready for bed. Wow, one minute she'd been ordering coffee, the next she'd been offered a new life in a new house with a new boss who just happened to be the singer who'd made her cry with his sad song the night before.

Soon enough, the glow wore off, leaving her with a sense of sadness at having to hand in her resignation and say goodbye to everyone at the house. She was ready to move on but the dorm had been her home for the last couple of years. She would miss the crazy students just not the mess and noise.

Luckily the office was open Sunday morning. Chloe was glad to have handed in her letter of resignation before she could change her mind. There, it was done. She was told right then and there that she'd have to be out by the end of the week. They would have her replacement by then.

She couldn't help but feel a little nervous about how quickly things were moving along. Oh well, it was probably best this way, she tried to convince herself. The quicker the better or she might be tempted to back out.

Then, of course, there was the nagging doubt that started to creep up on her. What if he'd woken up this morning and had changed his mind? It could happen.

Ashton hadn't even asked for references. It almost felt too good to be true. How could he be so sure of her? That made her especially nervous, made her think that he couldn't be taking this too seriously. These negative thoughts were going to drive her crazy over the next few days. She would have to keep busy packing what little she owned to keep her mind otherwise occupied until Wednesday, at least.

She thought of Ashton and how his eyes had rarely left hers last night. It was unnerving. Most people looked away politely. It was like he was measuring her facial expressions and body language the entire time. He was definitely intense, to say the least. Maybe he was just a strong personality, she reasoned. He must be the type of person who would win every time you challenged him to a blinking contest. That was it. Confidence. It must come naturally after all that time on stage performing, and staring down your audience.

Confidence was a good thing. It was a quality that had always eluded her. If she had some of that same confidence then maybe she would become the artist she should be instead of hiding in college all this time.✭༻♫༺✭༻♫༺✭༻♫༺✭

To be continued...

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Hand In Glove

Copyright © 2014 by Maria Bernard. All rights reserved.

ISBN: 978-0-9731474-5-2


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