chapter 30: 2 weeks later

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It's Saturday morning and it's the day of Camilla's funeral when I have to say my last goodbye to her and I'm sad and trying my best not to cry but I know I will when I get to her funeral, even though we had a argument and I regret it really bad. Soon I got out my thoughts because I hear no limit playing meaning someone calling and it's my best friend zakiya crying and I calm down she in a better place and we finally got off the phone and went to take a shower and heading out soon.


I'm just waking up at 11:15 and thinking about about Camilla and how her family going take it pretty then I started crying and calling Ashley and she telling me calm down and she in a better place and so we got off phone and I took a shower and went down stairs to eat so my baby and I can eat so I wash my dish and go upstairs and brush my teeth and get on my clothes it's time to go to funeral.


Rashad and I decide go to Camilla funeral to say our last goodbye and it was pack in there so I seen zakiya and Ashley and set with them until the funeral was over and I was holding her and Ashley In my arms to calm them down.


Quin and I decide go to Camilla funeral and I set with Kayla refusing to sit with my baby momma Ashley and Kayla didnt say a word to me at all I still put my arms around her when she was crying and letting her lay on my shoulder and then funeral was finally over.

Kayla :

I'm at Camilla funeral when rashad came and set by me during funeral and I didn't say a word to him and then I begin to cry because I miss Camilla and I never knew rashad would be there and let me lay on his shoulder to cry and now funeral is finally over.

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