Better Safe Than Sorry

Start from the beginning

????: "Sir, I'm sorry for what has occurred. But if I call the police they will demand we keep you guys somewhere to be safe. I can't do that when your plane leaves in an hour but I can call security to keep him away."

Simon: "Anything you can do. Will be a great help."

????: "It's ok Simon, your doing great. Ok here we are. Enjoy your flight."

Simon: "Thank you."

I watched the lady pick up the phone and call in for security. I walked up to Josh and pulled him away quickly before we started to walk towards security check and customs. I know "Brett" tried to follow us but he didn't make it very far. After we went though we took our seats in the business lounge. But I didn't feel safe. I didn't feel happy or joyous that he couldn't get to me for a while. I was just, scared. Scared for myself, scared for Gabrielle. I didn't feel right and K was scared about something but I'm not sure what it was.

Josh: "Hey come here, relax I'm sure he's fine."

I sat next to Josh and waited for the stewardess to let us know it was time to board. I rest my head on Josh's shoulder as he kept one arm around me.

Simon: "When I told you guys. Or when you found out about me. Did anyone hate me?"

Josh: "Where's this coming from mate?"

Simon: "I just, wanted to know."

Josh: "I think the only one who wasn't too happy in the idea was Vik. But that's because his family were very straight forward and traditional. I don't even think he knew anyone that was gay prior to you so that's understandable, Harry was ecstatic. Until he came to the conclusion that he was straight he thought he would have someone to talk to about how he was confused and feeling. I feel like Tobi, JJ and I would have always known and supported you throughout every single day. And Ethan is just Ethan, he didn't care as it didn't affect who you were and how you treated others."

I couldn't help but smile to myself as I cuddled deeper into Josh, it reminded me of when Brett first left or had "Died". I was too scared to be by myself and I couldn't sleep properly and so had ended up crawling into bed with Josh or JJ most nights. The first time I had slept in my own bed again this bastard went and bought a cake to celebrate with I get my own bed now written on it. I thought it was funny and cute so I let it go but it hurt a little bit. Now thinking about Gabrielle. I couldn't help but stop for a moment. Would I be able to help look after him? Would I be able to help keep him safe, he'll the poor guy couldn't walk. What the hell was I going to do?

Josh: "Come on let's go board."

Simon: "Ok one second."

I sent Jay a quick message telling him we were boarding. I told him Josh insisted on coming and I guess he was happy for the back up. I hope Gabe's alright. If anything happened to him, I would not be able to fucking forgive myself.

Jay's POV

Alex: "So what are you thinking?"

Jay: "On one hand I know what Mitch is like, he can be a really fucking big ass hole sometimes but he isn't that bad, and Lachlan instantly believing his brother over his best friend, I don't know something's up but Simon would kill me if I did nothing about it."

Alex: "So what's the plan?"

Jay: "We can go over and make it out like a boys night, just play some games or even go out for dinner or something, we can't stop Mitch and Lachlan from wanting to take Gabe in their car so I have the Fourby. As there is so much room in the car we can have Gabe sit in the front while I drive. Your going to need to sit with the boys but maybe you can listen in on them if they say anything."

Alex: "You didn't think all of This completely through, what if they don't talk?"

Jay: "Well then they don't talk, simple as that. But they will probably just try and keep everyone at home, so the least we can do is just try and always have at least one of us with him at all times. Alright?"

Alex: "Your paranoid."

Jay: "What?"

Alex: "Your paranoid and anxious."

Jay: "Of Course I am, no matter how much Gabe means to Simon he's still always been a friend to me as well. If something is going down I don't want to fucking hear about something happening to him."

Alex: "Alright well then let's head over. I'm getting hungry and dinner wouldn't go amiss."

He headed out to the car after grabbing his phone and wallet, he stayed at my place last night after he found a huntsman in his bedroom on the roof above him, he hasn't even killed the thing yet he still has to at home. His argument is if he can't see it it's not there.

Jay: "Suh due."

Lachlan: "Suh what's up?"

Jay: "Fuck all, bored out of my mind and Alex stayed last night, thought fuck it let's go out for dinner and a few drinks yeah? Grab Mitch and Gabe as well so they aren't left out and then stay at yours or mine maybe? Something to do and we haven't actually gone out in a while for a few drinks at least. Heard Mitch had a thing for Gabe so maybe they could get a table alone hey ;)"

Lachlan: "Your a fucking dick I swear, your worse than when Preston was trying to hook Rob and Gabe together."

Jay: "Nah it would never work, we both know he prefers the blondes."

Lachlan: "Finally someone that agrees with me. Fuck it I've already uploaded one video today just need to edit this Rocket League bullshit I did with Vik. At least I'm getting better."

Jay:'"Yeah... 21-3"

Lachlan: "Fuck off Jay it was the first time I had ever played the damn game. Alright I'll let Mitch know now so he can help Gabe get ready."

Jay: "I'm just about To leave my place with Alex now. Should be there in twenty minutes."

Lachlan: "All good see you soon."

I put my phone in my pocket and headed out towards the car, seeing Alex waiting impatiently for me.

Alex: "What were you doing?"

Jay: "Letting Lachlan know we will be there in 20."

Alex: "Alright and?"

Jay: "We are all going out for dinner and a few drinks then back to his for the night. If we can either try and get Lachlan orMitch drunk that would make it even easier."

Alex: "Well you can't drink because you have to drive."

Jay: "Exactly. With one out of action then we will have less to worry about later on, Simon and Josh are going to be flying in tomorrow at about 4 pm so I will pick them up and bring them back to my place. We might try and get Lachlan, Mitch and Gabe over to mine tonight if we can get the two of them drunk."

Alex: "That means I have to drink."

Jay: "Do you want to drive us all back to mine?"

Alex: "Fine whatever. I'll get them on the drinks and we can leave after a few bets."

Jay: "It's better than nothing."

Alex: "This better work, otherwise your going to be in shit."

Jay: "It has to work, I don't believe that Lachlan would ever do such a thing but it's better to be safe than sorry right?"

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