One Day...

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Simon's POV

Gabe: "Uh. Have you guys eaten yet then? The Seven of you?"

Ethan: "No not yet."

Kylie: "We didn't buy for everyone."

Simon: "Well then hey I'll take you guys to go get whatever you need if you want? I'm done with mine and just need to touch up a few things."

Josh: "You uploaded Si?"

Simon: "I did one earlier and ones going up now. It won't take long."

Vik: "I'll come with you then I want to get a few things."

Kylie: "Come on Gabe it will get us out."

Gabe: "Before we go can we clear the kitchen please? I need to check out the appliances and how much space I have."

I moved to the side as Gabe started going through our drawers. Before he slowly started moving quicker.

Kylie: "Oh you guys are in trouble."

Ethan: "Why?"

Gabe: "How the fuck do you guys eat? Or even prepare your food?"

JJ: "Not going to lie. Usually just grab to go."

Gabe: "Ok that's fair maybe once a week if your bored and tired but Yo. You need food."

Ethan: "Alright well you guys all go off and do your own thing. Josh we need to finish up another video."

Kylie: "Oh you guys are all..."

JJ: "What?"

I couldn't help but start laughing, Harry and Josh joined in while Vikk just shook his head.

Simon: "Anyway let's head off."

Gabe: "Hang on. Thud Ow. I just need to run home quickly is that ok?"

Simon: "You alright mate?"

Gabe: "Yeah just bashed my head on your counter here."

Kylie: "Let's go. So who's coming again?"

Simon: "I'll drive. And I think Vik's coming."

Gabe: "I'll be back over soon."

Kylie: "Do you guys want to see the place?"

Simon: "Sure I guess."

Vik: "Do we really think that's a fair call. I mean no disrespect but we have just met."

Kylie: "Come on mate you invited us into your home and introduced us to your 6 other lovers.The least we can do is extend the same offer. Only we aren't together."

Tobi: "Oh your not?"

Kylie: "Nope. Just been really close friends for I'd say about Three and a half years now since publishing our first book."

I really need to ask Gabe about that. It's stupidly unlikely that I would have the Author of my favourite book series just happen to move in next to me right? Even though he did have a copy of the book. And the store sold out long before I got there so I could assume they sold out within an hour.Any normal person would have tried to sleep or relax after flying such a distance. I remember Lachlan coming over from Australia once.He crashed pretty hard as soon as he arrived.

Gabe: "I'll be back in a moment."

Vik: "We'll come."

Simon: "We are?"

Threats From The Past (MiniMinter FF)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora