Just Because He's Gay

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Simon's POV

I lay in my bed that day just taking my time after editing and uploading a video. Since Brett had died I reduced myself to one video a day on my second channel. I didn't completely stop my FIFA channel. I just found it difficult to play since he had become so obsessed with it. It just brought back some bad memories. I looked over at the clock and noticed it was about two in the afternoon. I thought I was safe until I heard running before someone came barging into my room and slammed the door shut laughing to himself.

Simon: "Gabe what are you doing?"

I watched him flinch and turn around.

Gabe: "Shit sorry Simon. Kayleigh and Freya are running around trying to find me. I just chose a room and entered. I think I lost them though."

I couldn't help but laugh at him as he told me what was happening. I heard a knocking on the door.

Kay: "Simon is Gabe in your room?"

He shook his head slowly.

Simon: "Yeah he is but we are talking so I'll send him out later ok?"

Gabe: "You fucking dick."

Kay: "But he needs to make lunch? Vik told us he was too good."

Simon: "Your supposed to be cooking?"

Gabe: "They are mad because Vik told Kay about Breakfast. And then Kay told Freya, And then Freya found out about me calling Josh daddy without knowing apparently that was a thing for you guys in your videos and stuff so she wants to laugh at me for finding that conclusion and I don't know I'm not use to girls chasing after me. And they are both beautiful women."

I looked at him and smiled as he seemed pretty nervous for some reason. I realised I had been laying down and while I was fully clothed, I had my shirt riding up a little bit. I guess he noticed as he kept staring at me and I heard his short intake of breath. I fixed myself before looking at him strangely.

Simon: "Sorry about that I didn't click in."

Gabe: "No no I will admit you are a very attractive young man. But it was completely insensitive of me to not announce it. My apologies Simon. Oh Kylie will be around for Lunch today and then I'll be heading back home.Josh told me to let you know and to give you my number. He said it would do you some good talking to a guy which I find a bit cruel. So I'm going to ask first if you give consent to me putting my number into your phone."

Simon: "Gabe look at me,What happened with Brett happened over a year ago now. I don't mind the jokes. Just sometimes it get's out of hand."

Gabe: "Yeah I get that.But I just want to be careful and don't want to step on your toes. I really don't want to put the wrong foot forwards with you. Don't take that as one of those I want in the pants scenarios because I don't like people that do that."

He smiled at me as he realised what he said. I watched his cheeks go red before he coughed once.

Gabe: "I'm going to go start on Lunch. It will just be light finger food so you guys can still do your videos. Now that I know what you all do. I think I can make lighter full meals so you guys don't have to use both hands. I would assume the easier it is to eat. The easier it would be to do your work right?"

Simon: "Sure. Hey Gabe?"

Gabe: "What's up Simon?"

Simon: "Call me Si."

Gabe: "Sure Si. I'll see you downstairs when Lunch is ready."

I couldn't help but smile to myself as I watched him exit my room. He was a sweet guy I guess.But maybe that was because I missed having a guy around me. I thought against staying in bed and I thought I'd get up and around. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a pair of shorts as I had started to get warm, Just throwing on a pair of Sports shorts before exiting my room to hear the yelling match between JJ and Josh. Either someone was playing FIFA or Gabe had started cooking and they were fighting over who was getting food first. I stepped out of my room and walked towards the Living room. Finding Josh and JJ sitting down playing a game. Freya was sitting on the couch while Josh was sitting on the floor below her. With his head resting in her lap. Those two were way too adorable.

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