Assault And Homicide

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(So I was going to go ahead and do something else. But I just thought of an idea that will extend this book by quite a bit. Get ready because this is where shit get's intense. Also while I myself did Legal studies for Two years in TAFE. I am in now way shape or form to be taken for absolute clarity on the topics, I know a lot about the subject matter but I may get something wrong. So just let me go to the best of my knowledge and we are golden.)

Kylie's POV

Once the boys had left the house, bags in toe and car gone from the drive way, Rob and I decided it would be better to walk over to the Sidemen house and visit them while our friends were gone. As far as we know everyone was still there. We walked over and knocked on the door to find Vik ready with the door already open.

Vik: "Tobi saw you guys walking over, thought I'd open the door for you."

Rob: "Thanks man."

Kylie: "Is everyone still here?"

Vik: "Hey Kylie. Yeah Ethan is up stairs at the moment with Josh but the others are scattered around, I think most of the boys are going to head home soon? Or we might all head out for dinner together, would you like to join us?"

Kylie: "Yeah sounds like fun. What do you guys normally tend to grab when Gabe isn't cooking?"

Vik: "Pizza, or we might just make something basic like a steak, I don't know sometimes we go out for Nando's as well."

Kylie: "Nando's sounds nice right now."

Vik: "Alright well we can wait until everyone's ready and then we can all head off and grab something to eat."

I walked around and said hello to everyone but Rob seemed a bit upset about something, and Lachlan looked depressed. I found the two of them talking quietly between each other with no one else near by, they must all be scattered somewhere else.

Kylie: "Hey guys."

Rob: "Hey."

Lachlan just nodded his head, he seemed really angry about something.

Rob: "Look Kylie I promise I'll make it up to you but right now can I talk to Lachlan alone please?"

Kylie: "Yeah no absolutely thanks for letting me know, if you guys need anything or a screaming match let me know and I'll give you the key to home."

Rob: "Sorry Kylie."

I walked off but not before giving Lachlan a sympathetic look. I headed over towards Josh's room to find him, Etahn, Tobi and Jerome all talking about stuff. When I walked in I noticed Ethan's face light up. An instant smile adorning his face.

Ethan: "Hello."

I heard Jerome make the sound of a whip cracking, so I flipped him off and walked over to sit down beside Ethan.

Kylie: "So what's going on here?"

Ethan: "Just talking about whether we are going to have time to do a massive collaboration video or whether to just gave a few people playing a game."

Kylie: "It would seem a bit strange if everyone is in a video without Simon and Harry wouldn't it?"

Jerome: "Plus Ryan isn't here either."

Tobi: "The man has a point but he hasn't really done a lot already with you guys. It's mainly just you Jerome."

Jerome: "He's a good guy."

Josh: "I'm not saying he isn't but isn't he more associated with you than with the pack. It would be a Sidemen vs Pack game."

Kylie: "I'd watch that, first of all seeing all of you guys together in one video would drive people mental, and then hearing the pack boys swear and play something other than Minecraft with a group of people would be pretty cool as well."

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