I'm Going To Miss You

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Tobi's POV (This is all happening 5 hours later so the time is now 1 am.)

I ran away, I knew it made me look guilty as fuck but I couldn't stay there. I had to leave and just... I had to. I knew it would come back to hurt me, I knew I shouldn't have done what I did but you know what? I would still do it again, though next time I'd force him to end it instead of killing some poor innocent bastard and made him look like he did. It was horrible and a pathetic and inexcusable thing to do. And I was caught in the middle of it. I don't even member what I did to warrant him having that authority and power over me but I didn't have a choice. Even though I was. youtuber, glued to my phone. I still knew how to go off the grid, I bought a burn phone to use once before throwing it away. I just needed to know when the right time was. No details and definitely no names. I had my other phone which was still blowing up from the guys, just wanting to know what happened, what made me do it. But I've already told them that I didn't know. I know it's such a guilty phrase but at the same time. I honestly didn't know.

????: "What's a beautiful young man like you doing out here at this time of night?"

Tobi: "It's not late to me. Just needed to go for a walk."

????: "Need some company baby. Anything you like for the right price honey."

Tobi: "I'm not interested thanks."

????: "Better watch out then. Heard a certain officer and her friends were after you Tobi Lerone."

I watched the scantily clad woman walk off with a bounce in her step. She knew who I was but then again who really didn't. I never thought just walking away would do me so much trouble. But as I said I couldn't stay here. I pulled my phone out and read through the messages, Joshua calling me a horrible cunt, Ethan calling me pathetic, JJ saying I was spineless but...

Vik: "Tobi please. I know your out there. People are asking where you are."

Tobi: "You've been around Lachlan too long."

Vik: "It got you to reply. Josh doesn't know you replied to me. I told him I was talking to Lachlan. Tobi please I know what you did was wrong and in my mind when you do something wrong you face the consequences of your actions. I won't say anything but I need you to please tell me why you walked away? Why did you run, do you know how guilty this makes you look? Even though you were with me when those officers attacked it makes it look like your the one who initiated the car crash that has almost killed Simon and Gabe."

Tobi: "Almost kill them?"

Vik: "Harry and Ryan both woke up. But Gabe and Simon both flat lined. They were able to bring them back though Gabe is in a really bad position, he is in emergency surgery again now but Simon is here."

Tobi: "I told him to stay away, I told him that I didn't want to be a part of this. That when he came back that he should leave and never return, what I did made me feel like shit but he has something on me. I don't know what but he has something on me. I just wish I could figure it out."

Vik: "Tobi please, I am begging you to come back to the house, or even to the hospital? I'll tell Josh to go home, I'll tell Rob to go to sleep in a proper bed, just please don't walk away from this. You might be able to trade your innocence for Brett's where abouts."

Tobi: "I can't Vik you know this already. Just please, stop messaging me. I can't talk to you or anyone right now. I just need to be alone."

Vik: "Tobi I know you. I won't leave you alone with this."

Tobi: "I'm sorry Vik. I love you man."

Vik: "Tobi I am begging you. Please don't stop talking to me."

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