Drunken plans

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Jay's POV

As Alex and I walked into Lachlan's place, seeing as the front door was wide open, we were met with Gabe on the couch looking a little bit confused. As if he was supposed to be happy about something but felt like he wasn't supposed to.

Jay: "Hey man how are you?"

Gabe: "I'm good. Hey Alex how are you?"

Alex: "I am quite well if I say so myself. Hey is Kylie and everyone back home? I haven't spoken to her in years."

Gabe: "Oh she is doing well. Apparently she went out with Ethan one last time the other night and he asked if she wanted to be with him. I thought it was adorable. Ended up almost waking up Mitch I was so happy."

Jay: "Mitch stays with you?"

Gabe: "Yeah but I feel weird when he does, I feel like I should be on the couch so that he has more room but of course I can't do anything about that. I might not be able to walk but I can still feel my legs."

Jay: "Well at least you can feel them, that's a plus isn't it?"

Gabe: "Yeah it means I'm recovering. Slowly getting there, I might even be able to go back to the UK soon and stay there again, Simon has been keeping me up to date with the whole Legal situation, Freya decided to do a background check on the man that hit us. And uh, it was interesting to say the least."

Lachlan: "What did they find?"

I noticed Gabe flinch once.it was only fast so I don't think anyone else noticed. But I did.

Gabe: "Freya said that the information they found was semi classified but due to not being in the country that she would be able to tell me. She said that I would need to go back to the UK in about a week in order to appear for the trial."

Lachlan: "Weren't you kicked out of the country after what happened?"

Gabe: "no I left willingly.i wasn't going to go back due to all the shit that happened since I did meet those boys and Simon... But she said that she approached the judge about the evidence she found and they have reopened the case. It's going to be us against him obviously but his past came back showing that he had been involved in 8 different car accidents, all with international civilians. All involving him in some way getting off Scott free while the other party had to either leave or pay up. They are getting him for reckless driving, and Fraud. I need to appear next week and testify. I can't do it over the Internet."

Lachlan: "Well why the fuck not, you have had nothing but bad and horrible experiences over there and I know Simon and Josh wouldn't have helped because they don't care, none of them do. Fucking Vik sent me a message the ass hole. Telling me how happy they all were that you weren't there anymore, it's fucking pathetic."

I looked over to Alex and noticed the look on his face. Neither of us were buying his story, that's for sure.

Jay: "Hey where's Mitch?"

Lachlan: "Upstairs just getting ready. He had to shower so he shouldn't be too long, I need to go check on this video. I'll be right back."

As soon as he had gone up stairs and I heard his door close. Gabe looked at me with tears in his eyes as he threw his hands out. I reacted out of instinct and sat down next to him as he cried to me.

Gabe: "They don't hate me. I spoke to Simon but after Mitch stole my phone I haven't been able to talk to anyone. I miss Kylie and I miss Simon."

Jay: "Don't worry you will see them next week."

Gabe: "It was a lie. I need to get back. Please help me, I can't stay here just please Jay."

Lachlan: "HEY GUYS!"

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