Revealed Flatlines

36 5 11

Rob's POV

I looked down at the young man laying down in the hospital bed in front of me. He looked so peaceful as he lay there, Aside from the wires coming up to the breathing assistance thing on his nose, the saline drip attached to his arm. He looked like shit. Since the crash happened. And Vik and Josh had been talking to Freya. It was weird and lonely seeing him in his hospital bed. I heard a light knocking on the door.

Rob: "Yeah."

I was kind of glad that they kept the four boys together in a group room, I mean it made it easy for them to catch the boys and look after them. They all suffered from the same crash but they all had wildly different outcomes. I looked up to see Josh and Vik walking in.

Vik: "You should really go home and shower man."

Rob: "I can't, what if he wakes up."

Josh: "You really like him don't you?"

Rob: "I just... Yeah I do. I wish I could hold him and feel his heart beat, I wish I could kiss him and he would wake up. Just like in the films."

Vik: "This isn't like the films."

Rob: "I know a Vik. How are the others?"

Josh: "They all landed safely. Lachlan messaged Vik saying that Mitch and Jay were at the airport waiting for him. That was an hour ago. As far as I know the Americans made it home safely as well."

Vik: "I'm surprised they didn't end up sending Ryan home to America, he's from there so wouldn't they send him there to help him recover and see his family?"

Josh: "By that logic then Gabe would head back to Australia and Harry here would be flown back to Guernsey."

Rob: "I just want something to happen. I need someone to wake up."

Josh: "Mate we all do. You have been dubbed their guardian angel by the nurses here. Your always in here watching over them all, making sure their vitals are in check and heart rate is steady."

Rob: "They tried to kick me out but I refused to leave, I locked myself in the bathroom and refused to come out until I could either stay here with them all, or they taught me how to look after them properly."

Josh: "I know, that's why I brought you these."

He pulled his back pack from his shoulder and handed it to me. I opened it and found my laptop, as well as a few changes of clothes and underwear.

Josh: "Why don't you go get changed and I'll take your dirty laundry home ok?"

Vik: "When we all come back later to see them do you want me to bring a blanket or a onesie or something?"

Josh: "A onesie, really Vik?"

Vik: "What they are comfy to sleep in when you get cold."

Rob: "I'm fine, the nurses let me have one of the beds in the rest room, it's not the most comfortable bed in the world but they kick me out if a nurse needs it, then I end up on the floor in here."

I pulled out the blanket I had woken up with. It was a soft wool blanket that had been hand knitted. It was so comfortable and light as a feather. I asked one of the nurses about it and while they declined it was them, they were talking to an older lady who asked why I was staying with the boys. After they made the joke that I was like their guardian angel, learning about how to look after them to make it easier on the doctors and to make sure I could stay, the older lady talked to a few of her friends in some Christian group she was a part of and they all worked together and knit me a blanket, it was the most beautiful gift I had ever received. Even if I did end up always ended up moving it around the boys when they started to get cold. Harry had actually already woken up. But he said he didn't want the others to know because he knew he would be grilled with questions and would have to talk to the police, I told him it was against the law to impede and investigation but he wanted time to wake up and be ready for it. That was yesterday and the crash was 5 days ago.

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