Chapter 18: New Realizations & Races

Start from the beginning

"Yo, Pax. I'd never thought I'll see you in here." A voice taunted beside me but I didn't need to see who it was. It was that Nick bastard Ellis.

"Then again I didn't know it was your place I was betting." He was egging me on. But I decided to just flash him a smirk I did two months ago when I dumped him. His smile faltered when he noticed my expression.

"You know a player always recognize a player, right?" I coldly replied and Chris looked at me with worry. For what? No idea. But I knew Nick understood what I meant. And that's what mattered.

"Ladies and gentleman!" Rory screamed getting the attention of everyone. The crowd hollered at her to which she smirked. "This race starts in one...two...three...Go!" Just as the hands came down I jumped up to the action.

"Hold tight, Chris. It's going to be bumpy." I warned him as he nodded.

The crowd was getting bigger; so many people were taking pictures and staring at what lied in front of them: a race where's this place's future matters. I did a U-turn as soon as a guy tried to cross my car, bumping into it harshly.

What the hell? They can't hurt other racers. It's stated firmly in the rules!

"What's happening, Pax?″ Chris asked with panic. Then I realized Nick was trying to egg other racers to bump into my car. His shouting was clear that he'd take down this place even if that means killing. A chill went through my bones thinking how to get rid of him. I couldn't call any of the guys just because they are drunk as hell but it didn't hurt to hope for help.

Just then, a shrill tone beeped indicating a message on my phone. Taking my phone in one hand, I opened it hopefully only to get my heart lurched in my chest in cold hard pain.

"Race with your life, Pax. It would truly be a tragedy if something happens to dear Chris, wouldn't it?" 

No...this isn't real...

It's a nightmare. It can't be real!

I refuse to believe it...

"Pax, watch out!" Chris yelled out removing my other hand from tightly gripping the seat cover. I realized, in rage, I've ripped the lather layer of the cover leaving it with angry nail marks.

"Chris, take my phone and dial 7. Help should come soon." I said paranoid. I can handle if something happens to me. But I don't know what would I do if something happens to Chris. I like him for god sake!

Fuck it...I care for him. I admit I care more than a friend should.

I turned the corner, nearly tipping the car over in the process. I was filled with too much tension and new realizations. I whipped the car around, nearly running into a tree and driving into a few cars which were still up ahead of me. But a sudden turn and I was back to the third place again.

"Did you called?″ I asked Chris who was panting like he did a marathon. He nodded and smiled at me with a wonder that made me smile back. This place and time were definitely wasn't for a smile. Then again before I didn't like a nerd.

Oh god, I thought to myself, why did I do this. I was beginning to feel like a major idiot. If today I didn't win... Then it hit me like a bolt of lightning. There was a back road anyone hardly goes down. I could speed up to there and catch up to the finish line.

" you think you can move a bit?″ I asked smirking. Oh, it's going to be fun.

"What...what for?″ He asked confused.

"I need to make a history." I gave him a grin and speed up a little. I quickly turn down the back road, preparing myself to be ambushed with the rock. It shattered Chris's side of the glass as he looked shocked at me then at his window.

"I could've been killed." He accused me with a frown.

"That's why I told you to move." Rolling my eyes I looked at the other road to see Nick was also speeding up. Now we're going parallel. Then I spooned the car so we were running exactly beside his car.

"Pax, what the hell are you doing!?″ Chris screamed as the car jerked forward with more speed. A sudden burnt sound came behind me and Chris looked behind him to see that one of the racer's cars has died aka burst into flames.

Don't worry, the driver ran out before that. 

"Take the wheel for a moment," I ordered Chris, as he stammered. Crouching down I found what I was looking for and grinned.

"What?″ He questioned my sanity but for the love of god held the wheel tightly.

"What the..." Nick started to shout but opening my window, I threw a knife from my boots to his tires so that his car stopped hovering right in front of the finish line. I had already flipped him the bird and with two rough turns, I've crossed the finished line. With a grumpy expression, he got out of his car and punched his car with aggression.

As soon as I stopped Chris went out of the car and the crowd whistled that I won. Nick looked ready to kill but I just waved him off.

"So the winner of the race is...once again Paxton Rivera!" Rory shouted through the crowd and I smirked at all of them.

Oh man...I missed racing...


"Hey, you alright?″ I asked Chris as soon as I saw him gulping down water. Nick made an angry face and shouted curses that he was going to win but in the end, as the club rule he handed me the money and flipped off.

"You know...even as I was a little scared. I enjoyed it a lot. The rush was good for my health and brain." He smiled but I noticed a cut on his shoulder.

"What happened there!″ I asked as I rushed to take a first aid box.

"Oh, that...nothing. Previously the beatings and then the bump on the roads might have caused it." He shrugged. With a glare, I took the alcohol and pour it down to his cuts.

"Ouch! That hurts!" He flinched as I bandaged it and looked at him with a cold glare.

"Why are you glaring at me?″ He asked amused. When he was patched up I slapped his good shoulder and he looked at me wildly.

"That's for trying to look fine even when that's hurt like a bitch. And you mister is going to tell me what happened, from the beginning." He looked at me twitching up a bit and then nodded.

'Pax! Are you alright?″ Voices broke me from watching Chris and I was immediately engulfed in a hug.

"Thank god Cuz, you scared us." A voice cried out.

Reese and Reed!?

Unknown POV


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