Chapter Five- Date With A Wolf

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Chapter Five

Dem's POV

As soon as I woke up, I leaped out of bed and got ready. I tied my hair up in a bun on top of my head, and dressed in shorts and a tshirt. For some reason I was totally excited to see my wolf. But, what if he didn't show? There's no guarentee he understood me, but he seemed pretty smart. I mean he led me to my car, and knows when to shake or nod his head. Hopefully I'll see him. If not, I guess I'll just enjoy the walk.

I wondered down the stairs, and to my surprise my mom's bedroom door was closed. Was she still asleep? What time is it? I walked into the kitchen and checked the clock. It was only six. Wow. Oh, well, I'm going early I guess. I left my mom a note saying I was going to see an early movie with my friend, which was a complete- but smart- lie. I slid on my sneakers at the back door and headed down the hill behind the house, out into the woods.

The ground was damp, the morning air cold on my bare legs. I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself. To be honest, all I wanted to do was curl up with my wolf. Having his warm fur against me. It sounds wierd, but I kind of love him- in a human-pet way. Last night he was in my dreams, only now my dreams were good, he was nice to me. He didn't hurt me, we would run through the forest together. In last night's dream, he led me to this beautiful place in the woods, where the trees had golden leaves, and the air was warm.

In the distance, I saw movement, that must be him. I started sprinting, leaping over logs and branches, carefully chosing where I stepped. As I closed in on the blurring movement, I saw it was my wolf. He sat there next to a tree, waiting for me like an obediant dog.

"Hey Wolfy" I said, slowly walking toward him, not wanting to scare him. He was an animal after all.

He let out a slight bark, as if greeting me.

I smiled, "I was afraid you wouldn't show, I was excited to see you" I told him, petting his head carefully.

His lips curved, as if he was trying to smile at me.

I sat down next to him, putting an arm around his body.

"How are you?" I asked. "I'm okay, now that I've got you. I was horrible before. Everyone at my school hates me because of some rumor, high school sucks. You're so lucky you don't have to go to school."

He turned his head to look at me, his brown eyes boring into mine.

"So, do you have a family? Or a pack, or something?" I asked.

He nodded slightly.

"Do they live in these woods? I never see anyone, but you." Then, I remember the big black wolf. "Except for once. I saw this huge black wolf once when I was looking for you."

His expression looked angry, and a growl escaped his lips.

"Is he a bad wolfy? Is he not your family?" I wondered. Maybe... nevermind.

He shook his head 'no'.

"So, he is bad?"

He nodded.

"Oh, okay."

It was silent for a minute. I wish he could talk to me. It was like talking to a speechless person, never able to reply.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I asked, as if he was my friend and we were bored.

He stood up, and I followed him as he started to walk away. He was leading me some where.

After a while we came across a creek. It was lovely, really. The water was glittering from the sun light reflecting onto it, sand and small stones surrounding the water. I smiled, admiring the place as Wolfy sat down in the sand. I sat down next to him.

"This is really pretty" I told him.

He nodded.

"Do you come here a lot?" I asked.

No reply. Maybe he didn't understand what I said. "Do you like to come to this place?" I rephrased.

No reply again.

"Do you have a name?" I asked. That was dumb, obviously he couldn't tell me his name, but he could say yes or no.

He nodded.

"I wish you could tell me. I'm stuck calling you Wolfy" I laughed.

He smiled again.

"You are such a cute wolf, anyone ever tell you that before?" I laughed.

He shook his head.

"Well you are."

He moved closer and layed his head in my lap. I petted his head gently, letting my fingers run against his ears which were layed back. His fur was so soft.

"You're my best friend" I told him.

I Told You To Stay Away {Justin Bieber-Werewolf}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu