Chapter 3 ~ Isolation

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Everyone, I'm so stupid! I'm soo sooo sooooo sos ososososoooo sorry for not uploading sooner! Here ya go, and thanks for all the support everyone! I'll try and keep up!

Chapter 3

Dem's POV

It's been a week since my fight with Marci, and just like she promised, she ruined me. My friends, and even just the usual kids I said "hi" to, are all ignoring me. It's like I don't exist anymore. I sit by myself, and today, even Layla didn't come to my locker. Everything was so messed up, all because of... nothing, really. It was all so stupid.

As soon as the eighth period bell rang I jumped out of my seat and rushed to my locker. I stuffed my shoulder bag with books and quickly made my way out into the parking lot and into my car. I wanted to beat the rush and not get caught talking to anyone I didn't wanna talk to. I slumped down into the driver's seat, blowing out a heavy sigh. All I wanted to do was runaway. Get away from this all. The worst part is, even my mom didn't care as much as she should.

I backed my car out of the parking space, and sped up once I reached the private street I lived on. Woods were on both sides of the road, and no other cars were on the pavement at the time. Once I reached a nice spot beside the edge of the wood, I pulled over. Even though I was in a fitted jean mini dress and white sneakers, and I wasn't thinking at all; I got out of the car and headed into the woods. I tromped over the branches and leaves and I let tears stream down my face in shame of what my life had become. Isn't it funny how your life can turn upside down in just a few days?

I could'nt even think at the moment, my mind wasn't working straight, I just kept walking in zig-zags deeper and deeper into the wood. When the breeze blew, you could hear the tree trunks groaning, as if they felt my pain too. Their leaves slowly fell of the branches and to the ground, like my tears.

This woods reminds me of the wolf from my dreams. I could imagine his brown eyes meeting me eyes from the trees in the distance, the wind bristling his fur.

A loud crack snapped me out of my daydream, my eyes scanning the place for anything out of the ordinary. I didn't see anything. I rubbed carefully under my eyes, trying hard not to mess up my already messed up make-up. I looked around one more time, then decided it was just a branch, probably nothing. I easily scare, so I found my legs trembling when I heard another crack. Again, I didn't see anything.

"Anyone there?" I called lamely. No one would answer even if they were there.

I heard a crack, this one louder, closer. I wipped around, looking behind me. My heart skipped a beat in terror. There was a huge wolf standing a few yards behind me. My wolf. His familiar brown eyes pierced mine, his ears back. Impossible, it just looks like my imaginary wolf character, he's not real. Maybe there isn't even anything there, I'm just imagining it. I slowly got down into a crouch, my eyes never leaving his.

"Hi there Big Guy... I don't wanna hurt you, okay?" I told him. I knew he couldn't understand. I was mostly trying to comfort myself, not the wolf.

He started to move closer, very very slowly. I watched the way his muscles contracted and moved in his legs and joints when he walked. His eyes never left mine, like a human.

My whole body was trembling, my eyes full of fearful tears. After being attacked, I think anyone would be scared. I tried to imagine he was just a little boy, with brown eyes, coming toward me nervously. I tried not to let my eyes look at anything but his eyes. They were a caramel-honey-brown color, an unforgettable color. Beautiful.

He was too close. I slowly stood up and started moving backward. He kept aproaching me, and as he did, I kept moving back. I didn't want him close. He could kill me without even meaning to.

"Stay back" I warned, my voice shaking.

For a second it looked like... like he shook his head 'no' at me. He kept coming closer, and as I tried to move back I tripped over a root. I tumbled backward and landed on my butt, whispering a cuss word under my breath.

"Don't come closer... please" I begged quietly, sobbing now.

He was so close, just inches away, his eyes burning into mine, his body towering above me now that I was down.

He let out a low howl, his voice husky. He was so close, I could feel his warm, earthy breath on my face.

"D-Don't hurt m-mee" I cried, trying to back up, a tree behind me stopped me from backing up, my back hitting into it. I shielded my face with my arms, ready to feel teeth or claws any second. Instead I felt a warm muzzle push to my arms, his soft face rubbing against my cool skin. He was going to eat me! I slowly uncovered my face to look at his warm eyes again. "If you're gonna hurt me, get it over with" I pleaded.

Again, as if he could understand me, he shook his head. He pushed his muzzle underneath my cold hand, slowly pushing up, as if to help me to my feet again. I just sat, frozen. What just happened?

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