Chapter 2 ~ Bad Dreams

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Chapter 2

Dem's POV

After a long drive home, I put on some sweats and plopped down on the couch. I grabbed my iPhone off the table behind me, and put in my headphones. After shuffling my music, I closed my eyes, snuggling down into the cushions of the couch. I fell asleep quickly, whiped from the last few days.


I was running. Running for my life. My heart and feet pounding in syncrony. I could hear their cries and howls gaining on me, growing louder and louder. I was breathing hard, growing more and more unconfortable. Wow, I didn't know I could run this fast. I felt more like I was flying. I grew faster and faster, but not fast enough. They caught up. The wolves. One grabbed my ankle, throwing me onto the cold gound. I hit the forest floor, hard, knocking the air right out of my lungs with a woosh. I screamed, trying to get away. Trying to ignor the pain shooting through my body. I looked up with clouded eyes to see a large brown wolf. He huffed, his breath coming out in a cloud around my face. He moved his face closer, his huge brown eyes staring into mine. His eyes were so human-like; they were a mix of brown, green, and flecks of yellow, the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. For a moment, he stared into me. He seemed friendly, and the way he looked at me warmed my soul. I guess I was mistaken. In a flash, the wolf's jaws were heading for my neck. I screamed.


I literally jumped off the couch, screaming. I was breathing hard, and I could still imagine that wolf's eyes. Those brown, brown eyes. Gorgeous eyes.

My mom came racing into the room, eyes wide. "What's wrong?" she yelled, looking scared.

I looked around, pulling myself back to reality. I had fallen asleep on the couch. Nothing happened. But it had felt so... real. So real, it was impossible. "Just... a nightmare" I panted.

"Oh my gosh, you scared me!" she came over and pulled me into a hug.

I sighed, "It was so real" I murmured.

"What?" she asked, not having heard me.

"Um, nothing. Can you make hot cocoa?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, sure, honey" she made her way into the kitchen, me close behind.

I sat down at the granite island, "What time is it?" I asked.

"About eleven" she told me.

"At night?"


"Okay." Eleven? I must've slept for hours.

"Want marshmellows?" she asked, snapping me out of my train of thought.

"Uh, no thanks."

"You sure? You always have 'em" she questioned.

"I know, but its late. Next time" I answered.

She nodded, "Okay." She sounded a bit unsure, but didn't ask anything else.

She slid me a cup and sat down across from me. I slowly brought the hot drink to my lips, wrapping my cold hands around the warm coffee cup. I inhaled the sweet chocolate scent, smiling. I loved cocoa. Cocoa makes every problem in the world disappear. Mom always made it for me, wheather it was a harsh break-up to a fight with a friend. My mom seemed to always be there. Unlike my dad, who was really never around.

"You feeling okay, now?" she asked after we finished and put our cups in the kitchen.

I nodded, "Yeah. I'm gonna go to bed, I got school tomorrow."

I Told You To Stay Away {Justin Bieber-Werewolf}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz