09 - Polaroid

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Dean Winchester

Sam and I decided to head to a local diner the second we reached Colman. I didn't want to bother checking into a hotel yet because I wasn't planning on sticking around that long. I wanted to find this dumbass Antiquity and get the hell out of this creepy ass town. Every street corner had a different church and there were nuns walking around like there was a convention in town. It was all kinds of creepy.

"It all makes sense, Dean." Sam whispered into my ear as I moved away from a pair of pastors walking past with bibles in their hands.

"What?!" I practically yelled at Sam. These church-goers were really starting to annoy me. First their cars take up all the spots so I've got to park half a mile away from the actual diner, which in a small town like this is more like all the way across town. And secondly, they're all crowding the paths so I can't even walk without being poked in the side with an outstretched bible. I just wanted them all to piss back off to Sunday Mass.

"It makes sense. She's an angel and the thing that ties her is in an outrageously religious town." Sam earned himself some glares at the words outrageously religious, but he wasn't at all wrong.

"Yeah. I know. We just need to get some food and formulate some sort of a plan."


We walked into the locally owned diner to find that it was the only place in town not full to the brim with nuns and pastor types. The diner was empty besides one gay couple with matching leather jackets. While I silently laughed at the irony of this whole town, Sam ordered our food from the pretty blonde guy behind the till.

Sam and I walked across towards a booth at the far end of the restaurant. We exchanged nods with the gay couple as we past them.  I watched outside as a group of families walked past the diner, silently hoping that they didn't want to come in. To my delight they didn't. It was terrible strange but then again this whole town screamed strange.

"So where do we start?" Sam asked as he booted up his laptop.

"Well, I hate to say it but the Antiquity is probably something extremely religious just like this shit hole of a town." The blonde waiter snickered as he placed my burger and Sam's rabbit food on our table.

"This town is a complete dead-end, I'd get out while you still can." With that optimistic and motivating speech, pretty boy went back to picking at his teeth behind the till. 

Sam was awkwardly staring at the blonde boy deep in thought as I tried to eat by burger. I didn't want to question it, maybe Sam was into dick now. I wasn't going to judge him for it. It wasn't like he was all too successful with the ladies. Maybe a guy would be good for him.

As I was oddly deep in thought about my brother's potential gay fantasies, a tall (not as tall as Sammy), rather muscular guy with long black hair walked into the diner. He was also just as good looking, if not more, as the waiter. I turned to look at Sam just as he gave me a fearful look.

"What's wrong?" I asked a little too loudly, causing everyone aside from the gay couple to look our way. Sam gave me his classic pissed off Puppy face. "Shh, Sammy it's okay dude."

"No, it's not." Sam gestured his head towards the tall guy walking towards us. His combat boots thudded against the floor with such rhythm it was almost military like.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if you guys had seen my friend," he pulled out a small polaroid picture and handed it to Sam. His thick, Texan accent gave him a slight sense of authority that could easily make anyone jump to his command.

Sam looked up at me with widen eyes as he turned around the polaroid for me to see. It was Sara. Well it was her laughing with the blonde boy and the tall man talking to us. They all looked happy. It gave me this weird feeling of envy. I wanted to be this happy. I wanted to be the one laughing while holding Sara in my arms. The tall Texan had his large, perfectly muscular arms around Sara's arms. It made me feel sick to the stomach.

"No. We haven't seen her. Sorry." I snapped at the man and throw his photo back at him. Which he obviously perfectly caught.

"Well, please let me know if you do." He handed Sam a card with his contact details on it and left. But not before he shot me a harsh looks. As if he knew I was just being a dick on purpose.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Dean?!" Sam whisper-yelled at me once the guy had walked over to his blonde-hair friend.

"I honestly have no idea."

"Well, we have to tell him about Sara. Maybe he can help us."

"No, we don't." I harshly grabbed Sam's arm as he tried to get up to speak to Sara's 'friend'.

"Why not? Cam might need our help."

"Cam? Who the fuck is Cam?" Sam slid the card over to me and just as expected 'Cam Stevens' was neatly printed above a phone number.

"He doesn't need our help. Sam."

"But, Dean..."

"We're leaving. Now." I slammed down some notes for the waiter, leaving out the tip because he and his friend could go and get stuffed for all I care. I went to walk out the front door of the diner before I was interrupted by Cam.

"Why are you leaving so soon? Got something to hide, boys." He smirked at Sam as he and I stumbled to find our words.

"Cam, leave the poor bastards alone." The blonde boy spoke with a deep, Australian accent that you would be likely to find on a beach and not in the middle of South Dakota.

"Daniel, I've got this. Stick to flipping your burgers." Daniel shook his head and left us with Cam blocking the door as he went to the Kitchen.

"So?" He asked as he softly nudged me away from himself.  "Have you seen her? Do you know where Sara is?"

Sam let out a soft "yes" from behind me. I turned around to see that a dark skinned boy had passive aggressively slung his arm around Sammy's shoulders. I went to yell at Cam to get his friend off Sammy as we watched three more equally fit men walk into the diner and stand on either side of Cam.

It was an understatement to state that Sam and I were well and truly screwed. I smiled at Sam to let him know that I had this but from the roll of his eyes I could tell that he was just as pissed at me as the four men we, I, had managed to piss off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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