04 - Liar

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Sam Winchester

I'd have to be completely brain-dead not to admit that Sara was quite attractive. I wasn't going to lie, she was beautiful. Normally it would be quite boring sitting and watching someone sleep for a few hours. But I soon forgot about boredom and became completely infatuated with the way her body moved as she breathed in and out.

The way her mouth was left slightly ajar, the way her hair was splayed across the pillow and lastly the way that her chest rose and fell with such strength it was almost as if she had just simply gone for a nap rather than been in a coma for fifteen years.

I kept searching for that familiarity that  had Dean mentioned earlier. But not even a single inch of her face seemed even a little bit familiar. Maybe Dean had met her whilst I was away at Stanford. Like ages ago before we even got into all this hunting shit. Maybe he loved her. It's not that hard to be, considering how pretty she is. So I suppose it would make some sense.

I sat further back into my chair hoping to find some comfort. I extended out my legs and crossed my arms across my chest. My eyes slowly began to feel heavy and eventually, after much persistence, I let them drop. Fully welcoming some well deserved sleep.

My mind started to drift to thoughts of a young Dean running around with a small dark haired girl. It looked like they were chasing each other, like they were playing tag. They were both smiling and giggling along with each other. It made my heartache a bit when I thought that I would never see now Dean that happy, not after all that has happened to him. To us.

The little girl tripped over a large stick and fell over in a heap of tears. Dean rushed over to help her. He picked her up in his arms and brought her over closer to where I stood. He cleaned up her cut arm and placed a small plaster on top of the wound. Dean held the girls face with both of his hand, wiping away at her tear-stained cheeks. His face began to move closer to hers as the both took in sharp breaths. Dean was so close to her small lips -

"Sam! Sam!" I was harshly shaken and brought abruptly out of my dream. Back to my chair beside a sleeping, lifeless Sara. I looked up and saw Cas standing over me.

"It's my turn, Sam. You can go rest." I got up and left, but not before taking one more look at Sara's sleeping face. As I left, I realised that the girl in my dream was her.


"Wait! Hold up, Dean. What?!" I ran both of my hands through my long hair as I arched back in my chair.

"She's your guardian angel. What part of this is not making sense to you, Sammy?" Dean spoke as he rested his elbow onto the library table and leaned closer towards me.

"I don't know. Maybe the whole freaking part where she is my guardian angel! God. This is so messed up." I groaned and rubbed my face before resting my elbows upon the desk as well.

"I know, man. I know." He sighed deeply before taking another sip from his beer.

I leaned back into my chair again. Trying to think about the whole concept of having a dying guardian angel. That could be real bad for me. I could probably die as well. I decided to keep that dark thought to myself. If I told Dean what I thought. He'd snap and be driven to find a way to save her and essentially his little brother.

"I had a dream during my watch. It was so strange. I had absolutely no idea where it all come from. " I decide to ease the tension with something else that was bugging me.

"What was it like?"

"That's exactly it! It was so strange. I don't even know. It was like a memory only I don't remember it ever happening."

"What happened in the dream, Sam?" Dean yet again leaned forward for an answer.

"It was almost like a flashback to when we were younger. When you were younger. And you were like running around with a girl." I tried my best to paint a simplistic picture for Dean.

"A girl?"

"Yeah! And she - she looked like... Well she looked a bit like Sara."

"What?! Sammy, that was clearly a dream and not a flashback."

"I know but it seemed so real. Like I was there. Didn't you say something back at the hospital about her being familiar? Maybe we met her once but it was so long ago that we've just forgotten." I tried to suggest. I was eager to get this damn girl awake so she could answer all of the questions, fill in all the blank spaces, connect the dots. Just something.

"Yeah but I don't know. Cas said a few things about her before."

"Woah, Dean! Like what? What did he say?" I got up out of my chair. This was good. It was progress.

"Ease up, Sammy." Dean said as he stood up and pushed me back into my chair.

"He just said that she was really the one who sent him to raise me from perdition. That's all."

"That's all?! What the hell?! I thought God had told Cas to. Wasn't that what he told us?"

"Yeah but apparently it's a different story all together."

"Wow. How come he never told us?" I grabbed my own beer from the pack and popped open the lid.

"I don't know. Maybe he just didn't find it all that important or something." He spoke simply, as he sat back down himself.

"But it doesn't make sense, Dean. Why would she all of a sudden want you out of Hell? And why wouldn't she just go by herself? It doesn't add up."

"Since when has anything added up, Sam." Dean laughed as he took another sip of his beer. I watched the way he looked at me. Something seemed off. Almost as if my brother was lying to me. Again.

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