06 - Antiquity

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Sam Winchester

"Dean. Dean!" I shook him awake also violently shaking Sara in the process. Eventually he opened his eyes.

"Sam!" Dean jumped up and wrapped me into a big bear hug. He was squeezing the life out of me. I pushed myself away from my brother only to have him grasp my face between his two hands.

"What's wrong?" I asked hesitantly searching my brother to check that he was in fact still alright.

"I had the worst dream, Sammy. I was married and had a child and you were there and so was she!" He practically screamed as he pointed at Sara.

"Woah. Woah. Woah. Slow down, Dean. What do you mean you were married? To whom?" I asked as I pushed him back down into his seat.

"Her. I was married to her and we had this blonde child and you were playing with her. And this is all really messed up dude. It makes no sense!"

"Dreams aren't meant to make sense. Maybe your brains just trying to send you a message or something. Didn't you say she was familiar? Maybe it's trying to make you feel content towards her or something." I placed my hand on his tense shoulders. I watched him closely as his breathing started to soften and go back to normal pace.

"Yeah. You're probably right." He weakly smiled.

"Of course I'm right."

"Yeah. Whatever. Why'd you wake me up?"

"Oh it's just that Cas thinks that we should try and find a way to wake Sara up because she may be of use to us. I just wanted to run it through with you before we started researching." I was uncertain about awakening her but I wanted some reassurance from Dean.

"Uh yeah. That's a great idea, Sam."

"Okay. Umm you'll be alright, yeah?"

"Of course!" He lightly laughed and smiled at me before settling into a stern look as his focus moved from me to the sleeping archangel.

I softly sighed as I walked out of the room and back towards the bunkers library. I nodded at Cas, confirming that Dean had agreed with our plan to awake Sara.

We both got straight to work, he began furiously typing on my laptop as I scoured the hundreds of books the men of letters had kept in their vast library. I grabbed every book that had anything remotely relating to Angels and soon had a stack of about thirty books patiently waiting for me to search through.

We searched through thousands of lines of folk lore over a span of a few hours. Until finally I came to a helpful section of the law. It was directly focused on Guardian angels.

"Cas! Get this, guardian angels are all tided to the earth by a certain piece of antiquity." I informed Cas as he closed my laptop and focused on what I had found.


"Yeah like an antique." I watched as Cas raised his eyebrow. Quickly realising myself, that he really had no clue what an antiquity was. "Something that is old?"

"Well that makes sense because she too is very old, Sam." I shook my head at how naive Cas was sometimes.

"Yes. Well in here it suggests that her entire being is tided to the person or group she is guiding and a certain antiquity."

"What sort of antiquity do you think Sara is tided to?"

"I don't know. Maybe a painting or a statue of some sorts. I just don't know where or how we'd be meant to find it." I moved out of the way and let Cas take a read of the book I had.

"At the hospital it said that she was a relative of Bobby's so she would have fallen somewhere near where he was. Meaning that her bounding would be there."

"So it's in Sioux Falls?"

"It might be. But it's more likely to be just somewhere in South Dakota. It might be in a neighbouring town or somewhere like that." I pulled the seat next to Cas open and sat down. How the hell were Dean and I meant to search through the whole of South Dakota just to find some stupid old thing?

"How are we meant to find it, Cas? That's so broad. It could be anywhere in the state."

"A location spell?"

"Oh yeah! Why didn't I think of that before?" I clicked my fingers together once I had realised how simple our solution was.

"Alright. So what do we need for a location spell?"

"Uh a map, a possession and some blood."

"That's all easy except for the possession. She has nothing but a hospital gown to her name." I sat back and ran my hand across my face. Damn it! How the hell were we going to find that thing now?

As I leaned back into my seat, defeated, I felt something hot in my pocket. Like scorching hot. It felt like it was going to burn my left ass cheek off from its heat. I reached into the pocket and pulled out the silver ring.

"Cas! I think this is hers!" I yelled, practically throwing the ring at Castiel.

"Where did you get this from?" He asked as he turned the ring, inspecting it.

"Her hospital room. It was on the table beside her bed."

"Well. I guess we have a spell to make." Cas declared and the both of us went to find ourselves a nice map to burn up.

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