03 - Guardian

330 18 7

Dean Winchester

We got Sara into the back of the impala just as Sam came running down the hospital steps and towards us. I grabbed the keys out of my suit jacket and tossed them at Sam as he made his way to the car.

"You're driving." I bluntly said to him, hoping to not gain any protests from Sam or Cas. They both nodded and got into the front of the car as I opened up the back door and slid in. I happily moved Sara's head so that it was resting nicely on my lap.

I felt as if I knew her better than the other lads. So it'd be best if I did my best to protect the poor girl. I don't know where I knew her from but it felt like a happy memory so she must be a good thing.

"What else do you know about her?" Sam asked as we sped down the highway heading north towards the bunker. 

"She fell from Heaven centuries ago. I used to be close to her I guess. I once worked for her. But last I heard she'd been downgraded to a guardian."

"What's a guardian?" I asked shifting slightly so that her neck wasn't lifted so far off the seat because that wouldn't be too comfortable for her when, if, she wakes up.

"An angel that watches over a mortal soul."

"Like a guardian angel?" Sam questioned as he moved his head slightly to check all the car mirrors stopping lastly to check on Sara.

"Yes. Exactly like a guardian angel." Cas spoke as he continued to look straight ahead. "I don't know what's she's gotten herself into though. But I suppose we could find out. Like we always do."

Cas clearly cared for her, this added to the whirlwind of questions that were running through my head. This whole thing was just confusing as hell. If I didn't have this feeling in my gut that I knew Sara, we probably would have just left her in that hospital room. Or we would have a plan as to how to get rid of her. It kind of surprised me how calm Sam was about this whole thing too.

I stroked her soft, dark hair aimlessly as I watched the world pass us by. It would be a couple of hours before we got back to the bunker. So I decided to get some shut-eye whilst waiting for the time to pass.


We all agreed to put Sara into one of the rooms and start an around the clock watch on her. Naturally Sam volunteered to take the first watch. I was a little disappointed but it wasn't like she was going to wake up anytime soon. She's been out for quite a while - fifteen years to be exact.

I joined Cas in the library. Of course after grabbing a beer for myself first. I wanted to ask him some things about Sara. I just really wanted to get my whole damn head around that strange feeling of knowingness that I felt whilst around her.

"So before you said you worked for her?" I asked as I sat down across the table from him.

"Yes. When I was still in Heaven, Sara and I were quite... close, you might say. She was a lot higher up the angelic hierarchy than I was. But she trusted me to perform certain tasks for her."

"Certain tasks?"

"Just small things. You know." Why was he being so cryptic right now? I watched as Cas began to fiddle with his trench coat. He was clearly hiding something from me. He was such a terrible liar.

"Small things like what? Cas! I'm not stupid! I know you're keeping something from me. It was just a simple god damn question!" I stood and slammed my hands down onto the desk causing Cas to move abruptly back in his chair.

"It's nothing, Dean."

"It clearly is something or else you would have told me." I moved my hands to rest on my hips. In a somewhat less obvious but still threatening way.

"She's the one who sent me down to raise you from perdition."

"What?! I thought that 'God had commanded it'. Not some little archangel."

"I know what I said, Dean. But she isn't just some little archangel. She works closely with the lord and told me that it was a direct order from God, himself." I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. Why hasn't he just freaking mentioned this before? It was so simple.

"Why didn't you tell me?! Or Sam?! Why did you hide this small fact from us? We could have saved her years ago! But now what has she got? Huh? She's dying and is taking others down with her!" Castiel flinched ever so slightly at my harsh words. I was angry but didn't really know why I was so worked up about it.

"She is dying, yes. But we can save her - you can save her."

"How the hell would we be able to save an archangel? Shouldn't God be the one saving her? We don't even know how she got into this mess in the first place."

"We will find out, Dean. She must be saved. You and Sam's lives are literally in her hands." He stood and crossed his arms. To gain some height on me and make me less of a threat to him.

"You're making no sense, Cas. How is she important to us? We hardly even know her. And you clearly aren't being very helpful."

"I'm trying very hard to let you know as much as I can about her."

"You're doing it again, Cas! You're avoiding the question! Why is she important?!" I practically screamed at him as I leaned over the table towards him.

He clenched his jaw and leaned forward on his fingertips. Looking me dead in the eye, he spoke. "Because she is Sam's guardian angel, Dean. That's why she's so 'god damn' important to us all!"

I moved back. As I began to attempt to let his words sink in. Sam had a guardian angel and he was literally watching over her right now. I would have found this almost funny if I hadn't of felt betrayed by Cas, again. If Sara wakes up, she has a hell lot of explaining to do.


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