07 - Needed

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Dean Winchester

She had something to do with that dream I had. There was no way that I came up with that crazy crap myself. She must be doing something just like in the hospital with all of those innocent people dropping dead. Maybe she's trying to reach out to someone or something. Maybe she needs help. Perhaps she just wants the attention.

Cas and Sam had a plan to awaken her, it was stupidly reckless but, they explained to me that we needed some sort of antiquity that was tied to her. Once the antiquity is put into danger her automatic angelic back-up system would kick in and BAM we'd have Sammy's guardian angel back in action. It seemed a bit redundant trying to wake up a girl who's been basically dead for a decade and a half, especially when we haven't got the slightest bits of an idea as to who she really is and what her intentions are. For all we know, she could be worse than the devil. And that kind of evil is a massive pain in the ass.

I wish I could just drill her with all the questions I had running at top speed through my head right now but unfortunately I'd get no response and face looking like a complete nut-case. With that thought I finally remembered something, potentially important. I remember reading one of those stupidly perky brochures you read in a hospital waiting room about people in comas. If I remember correctly, it said that one way to aid the recover process was to hear a familiar voice. So maybe since we're linked to her that speaking to her wouldn't be so crazy after all.

I scratched the end of my nose as I contemplated the possible pros and cons of speaking to our resident, life-less angel. I walked over to the door and locked it. I didn't want Sam or Cas walking in on me bugging the poor, sleeping girl with my problems. I smiled over at her as I moved my chair closer to the edge of her bed. I brushed the dark hair from her face and rested my hand on her plump cheek. I began speaking to the dead, like the manic I was.

"Who are you? Like who are you really? I mean, I get how you're like supposed to be Sammy's guardian angel or something but where the hell were you when we needed you, huh? We would have been so much better off if Sammy had some of your guidance every now and then. Man. He wouldn't have agreed to be Lucifers vessel, he would never had got involved with Ruby in the first place, drank demon blood, he wouldn't have gone to hell and came back half the man he used to be!" I sighed and sat back in the chair. I was getting way too carried away and angry at her.

"Damn it! You should have been there for us both! But instead you were in some crap-ass Texas hospital. The amount of times we would have passed through there on hunts, completely fucking clueless as to the help that was just lying in a bed waiting for us! Why did you even get in this mess in the first place?!" I paused to wipe the tears that were forming in my eyes. I couldn't help to be pissed, frustrated and emotional about this all when she had the ability to save my little brother. Countless times.

"We're going to save you. If it's the last thing we ever do. I promise you that. I don't care if I die trying as long as Sammy gets a chance." With that I had to get up and leave her before I turned into a crying heap on the floor. I walked out of the room and took one long look at her before slamming the door shut.

I stomped down the hallway and into the kitchen to grab myself a drink. I went over to the cabinet and pulled out one of the many glasses, that was when I smelt a strange burning smell coming from the library. My brain quickly ran to thoughts of Cas and Sam being in danger as I ran into the library with a bottle of whiskey being the only thing in my hands.

I let out a sigh of relief when I noticed that the two idiots were only burning up a map. Jesus I was so jumpy. I twisted off the lid and threw it on a table before taking a sip. The burn of alcohol consuming my throat.

"Hey, Dean. Check this out." Sammy called me over to where they were standing. The smoke cleared from the map and what was revealed wasn't too surprising to be fair.

"Colman, South Dakota?" Cas looked up at me and Sam, searching for answers.

"It's near Sioux Falls. Where Bobby used to live." I answered for him.

"Oh. Well that makes sense since the claim is that she's related to your friend Bobby. I'll take watch while you two go off and do your thing."

"Our thing?" Sam stopped the angel in his tracks.

"Yeah. You know where you two go off and find whatever we need." Cas plainly stated, waving his hand absently in the air.

"Alright, Cas. You watch Sara and we'll go find... What are we finding?" I looked at Sam since he seemed to be the man of the hour.

"An antiquity. We don't exactly know yet. I'll explain on the way." We all seemed to be rushed in finding a way to get Sara back on her feet. Cas went off to watch over the guardian angel whilst we began to make tracks. And within the quickest time ever, we had our duffels packed and were back on the road.

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