05 - Strange

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Dean Winchester

I walked into the spare bedroom to take over watch from Cas but when I walked in the Angel was asleep. Angels don't sleep! I stood at the doorway inspecting him as him and Sara both breathed deeply at the same pace. It was odd, so strange.

Cas' face was filled with peace and free of any of the worry that had consistently clouded him for these past few years. As my gaze fell onto his lips, I noticed them moving. I moved away from the door and closer to him. It sounded like he was continuously repeat a word or phase.

It was our names, in a constant loop; "Sam. Sara. Dean. Sam. Sara. Dean." Repeated over and over again. It was super creepy. If I didn't know any better I'd say Cas almost looked possessed.

I couldn't take it any longer, I had to shake him awake. It was kind of scaring me this act he had going on.

"Cas. Cas. Cas! CAS!" I yelled shaking him violently until he came back to me.

"Sorry, Dean. I was just... asleep?" I watched him carefully as he got up and ran his hand across his face.

"Yeah. Umm are you alright, man?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." And with that he left the room, closing the wooden door behind him.

I sighed, she had something to do with that. She maybe even had something to do with Sammy's strange little dream.

I sat down in the chair adjacent to the bed upon she lay. She had to be up to something, maybe trying to send us a message?

I moved the chair closer to her bed. I felt almost a pull, like I just couldn't help but touch her. But not in a sexual way or anything. More of a familiarity. That was it with her wasn't it? Familiarity. I knew her from somewhere, I just had to find out where. Maybe if I try to sleep I'll get a memory like Sam. Maybe it can help me.

Even though I was trying to make myself fall asleep, I felt some greater force at work. As if someone had just changed the temperature in the room and placed a soft blanket over me. I rested my head against the side of her body as I lost control and felt my eyes get droopier. Until finally, I couldn't fight it anymore and they closed completely.


I woke up in a field. It was quite nice. The sounds of numerous birds happily chirping filled my ears. I sat up in the field, admiring the brightly coloured flowers and bright green grass until my eyes settled on her.

Laying only inches away from me. Her chin was pointed to the sky as she seemed to, literally, be soaking up the sun rays. I squinted as I noticed to figures running around in the distance.

I stood up to see that it was Sam and a little blonde girl. Only Sammy looked real different. He looked like one of those country club douche bags with his plaid shorts and polo shirt. I looked down to notice that I was as well wearing a stupid bright green polo shirt, but at least I had the decency to wear jeans.

This wasn't real. It was just a dream. There was no way, possessed or not, that Sam or I would ever where these ridiculous clothes.

The little girl giggled as Sam caught her in his big arms and spun around with her above his head. I watched as he pulled the child closer to him and she wrapped her skinny little arms around his neck, burying her face into his hair.

"Dean, honey. Is everything alright?" I turned around to see Sara stood next to me with her hand rested upon my shoulder. I looked at her eyes and my god they were beautiful, almost hypnotising really. They were a bright hazel, but not the ugly type of hazel. Her eyes were like orbs of gold emerged in a beautiful ocean.

"Dean." She spoke again through plump lips.

"Sorry. Umm.... Yes. Everything is alright." I smiled down at her, earning on in return.

"Sam's so good with her." She observed as she moved herself into my body and I rested my hand quite awkwardly on top of her shoulders. "Don't you think?"

"Ugh. Yeah. I guess so."

"Dean... Are you sure everything is okay? You seem a little off." She placed the back of her hand on my forehead as if to check my temperature.

Before I could assure her that I was fine, the little girl came running up to me with her arms outstretched. I bent down as an instinct to lift her up.

"Daddy!" She called as I caught her and she giggled with large dimples popping as she did so. Daddy? No. Way. This wasn't right. I pushed back her long blonde hair to reveal bright green eyes, just like my own.

Sara leaned up and placed a soft kiss to the little girls cheek. "How's my baby girl, huh?"

I looked across at a smiling Sam. And finally it all sunk in. This little girl was mine and... and Sara's. I jerked out the child into Sara's chest and walked away from the three of them. I ran my hand through my short hair and turned to look at them once I was a far distance away. This was silly. But it felt like it was so real. Like I was living it or had lived it, only I never have.

"Dean. Dean!" I heard Sammy shout, only the Sammy in my dream wasn't the one saying it.

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