Wait a second…

Michael sat forward in his chair. Even though Elizabeth was completely ignorant about the predicament of many brown people, he still understood where she was coming from about helping hungry children.

“I’ve been thinking about this for awhile, but what if we did some type of music thing?” Michael asked, excitedly.

“You mean like We Are The World?”

“Sure! Or better...a concert! We’ll get the top artists from around the world and put on a show!” Michael explained.

Elizabeth perked up in her chair.

“And- and then-”

“And then donate the proceeds to charity! Michael you’re a genius!”

Michael grinned. “This is great, Liz. A benefit concert...and we can host it in Asia!”

“It’s a great idea, Michael.”

“Alright, you know what? Let me get my manager on the phone. And I’ll call around some of my friends to see what they can do.” Michael cheesed as he dialed a number on his home phone. He put the phone up to his ears and looked back up at Elizabeth.

“I’m so excited!”

October 20th, 1998

It was nearly four in the morning and Noelle had been up all night crying, so Michael and Mariah were taking turns sleeping and caring for their daughter. Mariah rocked Noelle in her arms as her cries quieted into soft whimpers.

Michael walked into the kitchen, his eyes still heavy with sleep.

“Is this medicine working?” He asked.

Mariah sighed. “I think so, she stopped crying.”

Michael took Noelle from Mariah’s arms. “Do you feel better baby?”

Noelle rubbed her eyes and yawned, snuggling up to Michael's chest. He smiled down at her before glancing back at Mariah.

“You can go to bed, I'll put her to sleep.” He offered, returning his focus to Noelle.

Mariah leaned back on the sink. “I'm not gonna be able to sleep now. I wish I could know why her stomach is acting up like this.”

“I don't know, maybe it's the food.” Michael suggested.

Mariah shook her head. “Nicki eats the same food and she's never had this problem.”

Noelle was now asleep in Michael's arms.

“Maybe she was born like this.” He said.

Mariah narrowed her eyes. “Are you saying this is my fault?”

“What? No, I'm just saying she's always had a problem with her bowels.” Michael said. “Are you guilty of something?”

Mariah rolled her eyes. “You blame me for everything else.”

Michael looked down at Noelle, then back at Mariah. “I'm gonna go lay this baby down, then I'm gonna come back and deal with you.”

Mariah watched him go upstairs with their daughter then walked over to the refrigerator to pour herself some juice. Michael stomped into the kitchen while Mariah nonchalantly sipped her drink.

“Wow, that's the most emotion I've seen out of you in weeks.” Mariah muttered.

He narrowed his eyes. “What is your problem now? Since when do I blame you for everything?”

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