Chapter 82

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February 17th, 1999

“Mariah, pick up!”

“Mariah, you said you were gonna help out and now you're not picking up.”

“I know you're busy but seriously I need to talk to you.”

“Look bitch, pick up your fucking phone!”

“Mariah don't make me fly to Neverland and beat your ass.”

“You selfish little bitch! After everything I've done for you this is how you treat me? I will expose your fake ass to-”

Michael turned off the answering machine, turning his attention back to Mariah. “Is she serious?”

Mariah hadn't been taking Alison's calls, choosing to focus on herself for a few days. When she finally checked the answering machine, Alison had left several angry messages.

Michael seemed appalled. “Can we just block her number or something?”

“Babe, she’s my sister.” Mariah replied, taking a spoonful of her pudding.

“She’s a hazard to your health.”

Mariah huffed. “Michael.”


She rolled her eyes. “I can’t just leave her hanging.”

“Why not? She’s left you hanging before.”

“Just because you are ruthless with your siblings doesn’t mean I am.” She replied.

“Well you need to be. Siblings or not, some people are users. And crazy.”

“Alison is only one of those things.”

Michael raised a worried eyebrow at her, then promptly leaned down to her stomach. “Is mommy thinking straight or are you messing with her?”

Mariah popped him. “Boy get off of me.”

He chuckled. “I’m serious though. I don’t want a crackhead burning my house down.”

Mariah couldn’t stop herself from letting out a small chuckle. “Stop it, Michael.”


She looked at him accusingly. “One tiny mistake and you vilify my brother forever.”

He clamped his teeth down, almost speaking through them like a person who couldn’t move their lips. “Is that how you wanna see it?”

“That’s how it is.”

Befuddled, he raised an eyebrow. “I’m pretty sure burning an entire house down on purpose is not a ‘tiny mistake’.”

Mariah chuckled again. “Shut up.”

“I’m just saying.”

“Well back to my point, you can always just ignore her calls. I’ll answer them when I’m ready.” She explained.

Michael folded his arms. “I don't know...she threatened to 'expose’ you, and we both know she's not above talking to the press.”

Mariah took another spoonful of pudding. “What can she say?”

“Well what if she tries to sell pictures of the twins?” Michael mused.

“I don’t think she has any.”

“She does. Remember when we did the girls’ pictures? She was on that mailing list, babe.” He noted.

She raised an eyebrow. “I don't think she would- No one’s that- Okay, damn, maybe you're right. I’ll talk to her eventually.”

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