Chapter 10: Decision

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I sat on a chair and opened the book I got from the first shelf. It was probably my 5th book for today and here I am stuck in the library trying to keep my eyes open while reading books I barely understand. I'm not really the type of girl who like books back in the human world but now that I'm in hell I should probably learn things in here.

Namjoon has left a few minutes ago for his work but recommended me some books to read before he left. "How I wish I could ask Namjoon again for some explanations." I sighed.

This is not good. I thought to myself as I stood up to get another book. If the prophecy stated that I'll be their Queen, I should work something out. 

I browse more books on the shelf in front of me. My attention was caught by a book entitled "Lucifer" My curiosity strikes so I immediately grab it. "Finally, something interesting." I mumbled to myself as I sat back to my chair.

But to my surprise the book was nothing but black pages with nothing to read. I was shock for a minute and browse the book till the last page only to find more black pages. I'm confused, everything's blank. There was only one word written on the book and it's the name Lucifer.

I put the book on the table in front of me as I think for possible answers. I stared at the word Lucifer written on the cover of the book as I remembered what Namjoon said the other day. 

There is no current ruler of the underworld which is Lucifer. And the seven sins are the candidates for the throne. And I am the proclaimed Queen. There are possible connections between us but I still don't get it. Maybe the book was blank because there is no current Lucifer in hell right now? I thought to myself as I realize more things.

I won't be getting more answers if I stay the same and I wouldn't be called a Queen for sitting around all day. I could not believe myself for saying this but as a proclaimed Queen I need to do something. Something..

and that is to formally become their Queen and perhaps marry one of them to create the absolute ruler "Lucifer" As I said the word Lucifer the blank book I put on the table lit up.

I grab it and hesitantly opened the book once again. I was shocked to see the first page wasn't blank anymore but there were only two words written.

"Crowning Ceremony"

Wait did I read it right? There was no such thing a while ago. Did it just randomly appeared? I thought. I couldn't properly understand what's happening but this book will definitely help me.

I once again read the words that has appeared. I guess it's telling me to agree with the Crowning ceremony. I sighed. It's been another week since I talked with Namjoon about it and I guess I cannot make them wait forever. But there was just one thing in my mind that prevent me from saying yes.

"I need to go back."

I mumbled as the doors swung open and revealed a handsome blonde demon Taehyung. "Queen!" He called.

"Oh perfect." I thought. 

"I looked for you around the mansion even in the greenhouse and i finally found you!" He said as he walks to my direction.

"And why were you looking for me?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "I'm done with work. Let's play!" He suggested.

"Oh sure! But first I need to change my clothes." I replied and Taehyung nodded.

I went back to my room leaving taehyung outside so I can change clothes. I picked the clothes I wore when I was summoned here a month ago.  As I was done preparing I put the "Lucifer book" in the drawer of my bedside table.

I exited my room when Taehyung look at me confused. "Why are you wearing your human clothes again?" He asked. 

"We're gonna have some fun in the human world and you will take me there." I explained.

"Eh?! But-." 

"No but's taehyung, Let's go. I interrupted him. He just shrugged in defeat. 

Taehyung led me to a room I haven't seen before. "Where are we?" I asked.

" We didn't tell you this to avoid you escaping but I guess you can go if I accompany you. It's a passage to the human world. He explained.

"Ready?" He asked as he offered me a hand and I nodded.

"We still need to fly a little to reach the human world after we enter this passage." He continued. "But I can't fly." I whined. "That is the reason I'm with you so don't worry Queen. Just hold on tight. He assured me.

We entered the passage, I could see the black miasma swallowing us to complete darkness. I closed my eyes and hold on to him tight. I felt strong winds hitting us, it made me a little dizzy as I heard Tahyung's voice.

"Open your eyes, Queen."

I hesitantly opened my eyes and there I saw the familiar scenery of my city. The city lights were enchanting as ever. In a blink of an eye we were already in the human world.

Taehyung landed on a roof deck of a tall building still holding me in his arms. He later on put me down and helped me stand up. "Thanks" I mumbled as he smiled at me.

I looked around admiring the place I formerly lived in. "I am finally back huh." I said to myself. "Temporarily." Taehyung added. 

I chuckled as I walk to the railings and sat there. "So this is where you lived in?" He asked sitting beside me. "Yeah, this was the city I lived in." I replied and pointed out the place I used to go and explained it one by one to Taehyung like reminiscing the past. 

"You don't want to go back to hell anymore?" He asked concerned. I was a little shock from his question but I gave him a chuckle.

He looked at me confused. "I do miss this place but I know that I won't be staying here for long since I'm the proclaimed Queen of hell. I've accepted it already, Tae. I'll live my new life with you guys in hell." I assured him. 

"That's good. Does that mean you finally agreed to the crowning ceremony?" He asked smiling.

I just gave him a nod as I stand up and look around the city for the last time.

"I guess this is it, Farewell to the city I once lived in." I said as I turn around to hold the demon's hand waiting for me. "Let's go back?" Tae asked.

"Yes." I replied smiling.

When we returned, the mansion was in a chaos with the seven sins dispersed everywhere shouting and ordering various demon troops. "What is happening?" I asked. Tae shrugged "They probably thought you vanished. He said.

"Uhm.. Everyone!" I called out standing on the highest step of the grand stairs with Taehyung on my side. In a second everyone was stunned and looked at me. "I-I'm here." I stuttered.

"Queen!" Jimin rush towards me. Taehyung quickly stepped in front of me to block Jimin. And Yoongi grabbed Jimin's wrist. "Stay right there, Lust." Yoongi stated.

Namjoon walked towards us with the other sins following him. "We thought you left, Queen. Where did you go?" Namjoon asked. "Yeah we're looking for you!" Jungkook added.

"Uhm.. I went back to the Human world with Taehyung." I replied looking down. "Taehyung! You're doomed for taking her back to the humanworld!" Namjoon shouted.

"Oh shit--" Taehyung mumbled. "Wait no! I asked him to take me back to the human world for the last time." I explained.

"Then why Taehyung?" Hoseok asked. Jin slapped his arm. "What?" Hoseok asked but Jin just gave him a glare.

"For the last time?" Did we hear it right? Namjoon confirmed and I nodded. "Does that mean you're finally accepting the prophecy? Jimin cheered.

I sighed as I walked up to them. "I have decided to agree with the crowning ceremony and become your Queen formally." I stated that made everyone cheered.

"That's good news Queen. We'll start preparing for the crowning ceremony!" Namjoon said.

I guess there's no turning back now.

Eve and the Seven Sins (BTS FF BOOK 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz