Chapter 22: Aftermath

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It happened quickly. I heard the screeching of the tires, then the busting of the windshielf, then came the thump. I was slammed into the side of the door and had absolutely no strenght the move. I was grateful for that, in some way. Considering I couldn't see Alex's condition, even if I wanted to.

    I let a soft groan escape from my throat as I held on with everything that I had. My eyes wanted to close. Oh, how my eyes wanted to close. But I couldn't let myself do that, I had my parents who needed me. I had my entire life in front of me. Hell, I even had Brookline to live for. I just had my first sexual experience, I refused to die.

    Maybe I wasn't even dying. Maybe I was just cut up. But as I tried to move my legs, I knew that wasn't the case. "Ben?", I Alex ask from beside me. His voice was hoarse but it was nothing like mine. I couldn't even speak. "My god", he whispers.

    That was the last thing I heard before I heard sirens fill the air. Someone was coming for us, I was going to be okay. That little bit of faith gave me the will power to close my eyes. I even forgot about what Alex had last said to me when I drifted off to sleep.

   I woke up a bit later, maybe an hour or so, surrounded by men and women, all in scrubs and white coats. They were frantic. I finally met the eyes of a short black woman who gave me a smile. "Good morning, baby. You're gonna be just fine. Can you tell me your name?", she asks. She seemed to be only a nurse. I kept her eyes and she began to stroke my hair.

    "B-Bennet", I find the strenght to get out. My voice sounded incredibly hoarse and so weak. "Lex...". My voice seemed to have had enough and just stopped. But the nice lady seemed to know what I mean.

    "Your friend is fine, Bennet. He came out with just a couple of broken bones", she replies. I look at her confused. It was his fault, he's the reason that we crashed. I was innocent, and I come out with doctors and nurses around me?

    I took the precautions, I told him to stop. He didn't even have a god damn seat belt on, and he came out with a f*cking broken bone? I was angry. I was a broken, f*cked up, angry teenage boy who so desperately needed his daddy.

    "We're gonna put this mask on your face, okay? You'll go to sleep and then wake up just fine", the same nurse says to me. I suppose she saw my single tear fall from my surely swollen eye. "Oh, sweet heart. I know you're so scared. You're probably angry and confused. But let me tell you, you're a fighter. Fight for me, alright? And fight for that brown haired boy in the waiting room". She puts the oxygen mask on my face without another word. My last thoughts were on that brown haired boy. Brookline?

     When I came to, I was in a softer bed in a room to myself. No doctors were around, I was alone. I wasn't sure if it was better or worse. All I knew was that the silence was deafening. It made me want to hold my ears and scream. But the thing is, I couldn't even move my hands. I tried desperately, but found that none of my body moved. When I realized this, I did the only thing I could. I screamed, I screamed, and screamed. It barely  came out and it sounded strangled, but it did come out.

    It wasn't long after that when 3-5 nurses, all wearing light gray come running in. I looked at them with fear in my eyes and I wanted to scream more when I saw the nurse from earlier wasn't among them. “Bennet”, One of them says. He seemed young, maybe not a nurse at all. Maybe even an intern for something.

    He approached my bed, and if I could have, I would have swung at him. “You’re afraid, you can’t move, and you’re scared. But you have to save your strength and your voice”, he says. His voice wasn’t soft and it even came out a bit demanding.

    “Why can’t I move? FIX ME”, I yell with tears running down my face. The man simply backs away from my bed and walks out, the others following after him. I continued to cry for what seemed like hours.

      Then finally, a nurse peaked her head into my room and told me I had a visitor. Why were they allowing people in when they hadn’t told me what the f*ck was wrong with me? I nodded anyway, considering I didn’t want to be alone any longer.

      I was expecting my mother and father to come in. My mother sobbing as she looked upon me. My father with a snow white face. But I wasn’t expecting the person who walked in to walk in.

     As I looked from my bed to the door, in walked in the most beautiful person I had ever seen. The person who I had given so much to. My past, my virginity, and basically my heart.

   That person was Brookline Hamilton.

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