Chapter 10: Two Boys 1 Day

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     Atrix ended up leaving after that. Claimed he had somewhere to be and I was forced to walk home by myself. I was extremely skeptical and couldn't help the fear creeping into my stomach.

    By the time I reached my door, my breathing was heavy and I basically run into the trailer, colliding with my dear mother. She gasps but I catch her before she can fall completely. "Bennett Malachi! Care to explain why you're trying to tackle me like you're some sort of quarter back?" She brushes herself off and gathers her laundry that fell out of the basket in her hand.

    "Actually mom, quarter backs don't tackle people.." I say as I ease my breathing. She glares at me, causing me to smile a little. "Sorry mom. Atrix left early and.." She gasps loudly before I can even finish.

     "He left you to walk home alone??? Why didn't you stop him from leaving you alone?" She demands. I feel myself sink back and shrug. "Room. Now."
      "But ma! I have another friend coming over. Ya boiii is popular!", I argue. Just then Brookline comes out of the bathroom, drying his hands off on his gray joggers. Great. He just heard me get scolded.

    "Hey Ben" he smiles. "Your mom let me in. Hope that's okay?" I shrug and my mom smirks and walks away. Damn her.

   "Um..where do you wanna start? I can't really have...people in my bedroom" I say to him. I didn't wanna tell him that I couldn't have boys in my room. He'd know something was up with that.
    My mother yells from the other side of the trailer that we can go in my bedroom. So she doesn't trust me with Atrix but doesn't trust me with Brookline. Which means she doesn't think i could get down and dirty with a boy like Brookline. And she's damn right.

    We go into my shitty bedroom and he sits down on the bed. I take a seat at my keyboard and look down. "So, you went for a walk with the high school emo?" He asks. I look up at him and nod. He almost sounded jealous. "Where'd he go?"

   "Um..he kinda left me to walk home by myself" I shrug. His eyes go wide and I bite my lip. He probably thinks I'm a little girl whining now.

    "He f*cking left you? Did he not hear about the boy who was walking around and got f*cking shot?", he demands.

    "Well that story did happen quite a and while ago. And that boy wasn't even walking near his own home" I reply softly. He raises his eyebrow.

   "How did you know so much about that story?", he asks. I take a deep breath. It didn't surprise me that he didn't know. Not everyone did.

   "Because...that boy in the story..was my brother", I reply, still looking at him.


  A/N: Sorry for not updating in like.. A few days. Busy times but no worries, lovelies. I'm back!

Question Of the chapter!!
Who's your favorite character in this story so far??

Boy Meets Bitch -BoyXBoy-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora