Chapter 21: The Park Of Good Intentions

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    We went to the park after getting our ice cream, and sat down on the swings. I swung slightly as I licked my ice cream. Alex told me a story about the time he ate bad tacos at a Mexican place. "Alright, what's up? You aren't even paying attention to my very intising", he finally says when I stopped even pretending to listen.

   I took a deep breath and looked at him. "I'm sorry, Alex. I appreciate your friendship but there's some things I don't wanna talk about", I reply softly. He just nods and finishes his ice cream.

    "Alright" he nods and starts swinging. "Can I at least guess what's wrong?", he asks. I look up at him and shrug. "There's a boy...". I nod slowly and continue to look at him. "And something happened and you're starting to regret the relationship". 

   "I'm not sure if you could call it a relationship. But yeah, something like that", I run a hand through my hair and let out a soft sigh. "I liked him, he made me feel a few different ways". I look over at him and even though it was dark, I could still see his soft smile.

    "I see. I'm sorry, Ben. I know how that feels when someone just drops you. I don't know why some guy would treat you like that. You seem like a chill guy", he replies, letting out a soft laugh.

     "Thanks", I smile softly and look over at him as he swings higher. "He just... he did all of these amazing things that made me feel like I meant something. He had his own name for me, and I him. He told me his past and I told him about my brother. I thought he was the real deal".

    "That's the thing, isn't it? We fall so so hard and we basically watch ourselves fall to our demise. Then we look up and that promising hand isn't even reaching down anymore", he replies.

    I eat the rest of my cold dessert and stand up and throw the cone away. "I think we'd better head back. My mom seems to worry a lot", I say. He stands up and links his arm in mine.

    We go to his car and I strap on my seat belt and look over at him. He was about to pull out and his seat belt hung unclicked. "Aren't you gonna... strap yourself in?", I say. He looks over at me and raises his eyebrow.

   He finally understands what I mean when I motion to my own seat belt. "Oh! No. It's dark so the police can't see if I have it on or not", he replies with a shrug.

    "That's not the point" I let out with a sigh. "It's for your own safety". After that he just ignores me. He also doesn't click his seat belt in.

    He turns on the radio and puts up the volume really loud. Then after 4 minutes of driving, he pulls out his phone. I swallowed hard and tried to make my mind go somewhere else.

    My parents never drove while on their phone so I never experienced it. But now that I had, I knew what the fuss was about. He was swerving everywhere and my heart was racing. "Alex" I finally let out.

   He looks up at me and says "what?", just as a car collides into ours.

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