Chapter 14: Take Me To Church

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    I had "We Don't Believe What's On Tv" By Twenty One Pilots blaring as I got ready the next morning. I was dreading it more than anything. If I wanted someone to tell me that I'm going to hell I'd go to my 6th grade teacher mrs. Lincoln.

   I grabbed a black sweater with a normal shirt underneath and khaki pants that were a tad too baggy. I put on my black knock off vans. I took my phone with me to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I styled my hair as best I could before coming back out.

   I finally turned my music off before making my grand entrance to my parents who were in the living room. I went in there, expecting cheers and maybe some weeping. For the borderline emo boy finally dressed up! But no. That couldn't have been further than the reaction I received from my pair of rents.

    " look.." My mom begins but stops and tilts her head. "Like you're going to the park. That isn't formal at all, Ben". I look down and huff.

    "So now I have to wear a Damn suit to worship some god I don't even believe in?" I cross my arms. It came out a tad more defensive then I meant it to. My mom's expression falls and my father's hardens.

   "He doesn't have time to change. Go get your bible, Ben", my father says. I raise my eyebrow. I didn't have one, and apparently he forgot that he helped that fact come true.

   I decided that I didn't believe in a higher power almost two years ago. I told my parents, both had different reactions. My mother, bless her, tried to convince me that there was. I listened respectfully but it made no difference and it was nothing I hadn't heard before.

   My father, on the other hand, was very open about it. After my mom gave up on her spill and went to clean (it was a nervous habit), I went to my room and my father followed. He told me that he respects my opinions and he's proud I had one.

   Then he took my bible and gave it to a poor soldier who had always wanted to read more about "his lord", which was nice. "One man's disbelief is another man's treasure", he had laughed.

  Now here I was, explaining what had happened to the bible that he helped give away. After my explanation, my father just nodded and we left. I was at the groaning point of this dread.

   We eventually made it to the church. We found Brookline and his parents who invited us to sit with them. Yay. We get to sit with the cool kids of the Baptist church.

   The service went on. People sung. The little plate that people put money in was passed around. Hand shakes were made. Then it was time for the preaching.

   At the beginning, I was completely following along. It was the story of Moses.  One I had researched myself and read over and over.

    Then, when I least expected it, he lost me and begin preaching against gays. I sat back in my seat and held back a very loud groan. When I got tired of it, I stood up. Causing a scold from both of my parents.

   I ignored them and flipped off the preacher. Then walked out quickly. The last thing I heard before the doors closed was "Brookline! Do not follow that f*got out" then the sound of steps.

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