meh chapter 4

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*where we left off*

Me: in you go * snickering will pushing zalgo in the closet*

*present XD*


Me:*outside closet* rules are rules be happy you didn’t get offender and for your info I is now creepypasta biotch

Of: HEY!

Sl: I don’t like it either ya know but she’s right plus she has the keys to the door so were screwed

Zalgo: dammit -.- why me?

Me: just lucky I guess! XD

Zalgo: shut up you annoy me

Me:nah I’m good I had my sweets >:) bwahahahahaha


Jeff: what did I do?!

Sl: you beat me at strip poker damn you!

Me: you still mad at him for that… never mind that was hilarious I did get second place so that was a win.

Zalgo: *grumbles* I don’t even know why I came here

Me: because we said so

Kim: yo times up

Me: alright, alright I’ll let ‘em out *unlocks door*

Le victims: walk out

Kim: bad news Jeff drank all the alcohol

Me: saw that coming, so who do we send?

Kim: hm… how about Anthony

Anthony: I’m up to the challenge

Me: then go my minion and get us some cookies while your at it

Anthony:*shrugs* I don’t see why not

Me: yay 0(^_^)o and now les get back to the game Hoodie your up bro.

Hoodie: ok

Me : bloody hell he speaks! *yelling in a fake british accent*

Hoodie: -.-

Me: u mad bro :3

Hoodie: * snatches the f***in hat and pull out cheese cake factory coupon*

Me: I so saw that coming masky get over here

Masky: dammit hoodie! How could you do this to me , now look what ya did

Hoode:*looks over to me*

Me:*rolling on the floor with the girls squealing* YAOI TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anthony: * walks in with the stuff* hoodie is a female android*

Me:*stops ,gets up , and walks very slowly to him* I say hes a boy and that is final* surrounded in dark aura*

Kate: couldn’t we just ask him or her

Me: :p fine hoodie re you a boy or a girl?

Hoodie: I’m a….

( hahahaha I shall continue in next chapter cuz I am so evil )

*Me and Anthony constantly argue about the gender of hoodie can you guys help me out here? We all know he is an android but I wanna show him the truth or who wins the argument here so vote, follow and comment if you wanna :3 and I’m think I end the seven minutes in heaven in the next chap should i? *

p.s. sorry it was short

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