Here's To Us

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Chapter Seven: Here's To Us

*Elizabeth Gillies as Dylan Moore (Drummer)

Chord Overstreet as Harry Moore (Bass Guitar)

Tyler Hoechlin as Ben Williams (Lead Guitar)

Nathaniel Buzolic as Johnny Williams (Keyboard)

Debby Ryan as Max Dawn (Rhythm Guitar)*

Debby Ryan as Max Dawn (Rhythm Guitar)*

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My favourite part of the day was waking up after a nice sleep, having a relaxing shower and then getting ready for whatever the day decided to throw at me. I didn't have any plans so hoped Alex had some ideas on how to keep myself occupied. Maybe I could persuade him or one of the guys to give me a small tour of the city.

'Alex, I have no clue what to do today?'

I sit down on one of the kitchen stools and watch Alex potter around the kitchen, cooking something which smelled delicious.

'First things first Kara let's get some food inside you. I've made coffee, pancakes, and bacon.'

I gasp, 'marry me, Alex, you're perfect.'

He laughs and starts to plate up the food while I pour us both some coffee. This was quite a domesticated picture.

Tucking into the pancakes and bacon, I have to stop myself from making inappropriate sounds because they were mouth-watering and were hitting all the right spots. Alex shakes his head and eats a lot more gracefully than me; it was now. I realised I hadn't eaten anything since Dylan made me have the food on the plane.

Speak of the devil, and they shall appear, or in this day age sends a text message making their presence known. Sipping my coffee, I slide open the phone and open the message.

Dylan: Hi Kara, it's Dylan from the plane (in case you forgot me already – which is hard because I'm quite unforgettable) I don't know if you're still adjusting to LA time and sleeping, but if you're awake how would you like to meet up today?

'Who's messaging you?' He asks.

I show Alex the message, and he smiles.

'You should hang out with her today, Kara. The guys and I have something to do at the studio, and it beats you being stuck home alone.'

I nod in agreement, not liking the thought of being cooped up when I could be out meeting people.

Kara (To Dylan): I'm awake and eating bacon that Alex cooked me...I have no plans today so would be up for hanging out...what do you have in mind?

Dylan: I love bacon! I'm heading to band practice; if you want, you could meet the others. My brothers will be there, and maybe we can jam together!

Kara: I'd be up for a jam session...send me the address, and I'll make Alex drop me off on his way to the studio

'I take it by your smile, Kara that you've made plans with Dylan.'

The Band And The Busker (All Time Low/Alex Gaskarth) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now