Love/Hate Heartbreak

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Sorry for long wait, here's chapter Six!

Chapter Six: Love/Hate Heartbreak


Once the plane landed, I bid farewell to Dylan who said we'd meet up once I'd adjusted to the jet lag and time difference. I grabbed my bag off the carousel and made my way over to the guys. Jack was checking Dylan out from behind, which earned him a slap across the back of the head from me.

'You're not her type Barakat.'

'I'm every girl's type Kara,' Jack laughs and bops my nose, 'no need to be jealous love.'

Oh, this was going to be fun to knock the cockiness from under Jack, I wish I had some of his overconfidence sometimes when it came to being upfront with people.

'Unless you grew a vagina on the plane ride I'm pretty sure you're fighting a losing battle, Jack.'

Rian, Zack and Alex start laughing at Jack, who goes a bright shade of red and shakes his head. If he didn't want to believe me about Dylan, then I'd just let her let him down.

'So where exactly am I staying while I'm here?'

I look between the four. The label wasn't exactly forthcoming about putting me up somewhere, so hopefully one of them would put up with me for my stay. Alex puts his hand up.

'You're staying with me if that's okay. I'm the closest one to the label.'

I nod when in my head, I was hitting my head against a wall. Staying with Alex would be soo much fun, note the sarcasm. We hadn't spoken since that night at the club, and now I was expected to stay in the same apartment as him for the next few months.

Jack pulls Alex aside while Rian and Zack converse with me about how I'm going to have so much fun while I was out here, and that I'd find a band soon, get signed, make kickass music and get to come on tour with them. I laugh and shake my head at the two; I was happy I'd gotten the chance to meet them.


'Err Jack, let go.'

I shrug out of Jack's tight grip on my arm, noticing we were just out of sight of the other three. Jack slaps me across the back of the head; I rub my sore head, unsure of his actions.

'What the hell, man? What was that for?'

Jack rolls his eyes, 'oh Kara, you're staying with me. You pretty much ignore her back in England, make her feel bad about herself, and now you're all smiles back in LA as if nothing happened.'

I may or may not have told Jack what went down at the club between Kara and me. He said I was a moron for getting jealous because I thought Kara liked him when she should like me because of all I've done for her. Jack saw Kara in a sister way and nothing more. I wasn't good at telling people my feelings, so I guess in my head by ignoring Kara all the problems would go away. But on the plane when the air hostess was checking me out Kara had to make a dig about blonde women being my type, she wasn't over it.

'It wasn't like I asked that chic to come onto me at the club Jack.'

'But you didn't do anything to push her off; instead, you lock lips and stay attached for the rest of the night if I remember correctly.'

Jack had me there; I didn't make an effort to go after Kara. Now we'd be living in close confines for the next few months. Hopefully, she accepted my apology for being a jerk. She loved All Time Low, and I didn't want my actions to taint how she saw me, the rest of the guys loved her and could do no wrong in her eyes.

'I told her on the plane I'd apologise once we landed Jack,' sighing, I run a hand through my hair, 'we'll be on talking terms again before you know it.'

Jack mumbles something under his breath; probably about me finding a way to screw things up instead of fixing them.

'Let's just get out of here, Alex.'

Jack walks back towards the others who were joking about something. He hugs Kara before walking off with Rian and Zack, who were his lift since they all lived quite close to each other.

Kara strolls over to me and waves her hand in front of my face snapping me out of my thoughts.

'Earth to Alex, is anyone home?'

I laugh, 'I think I'm all here, Kara. Now let's get you back to mine so you can rest before jet lag kicks in.'

As if I triggered something inside her Kara lets out a small yawn, she mustn't have slept that much on the plane.

'I'd like that Alex, though we do need to talk. I don't want you to ignore me anymore, it's odd, and I don't like it.'

I smile and put an arm around her shoulder and start to guide her out of the airport dragging our bags behind us.

~Alex's Apartment~

'Welcome to my humble abode.'

I open the front door and Kara walks in ahead of me. I didn't want a large apartment, it was just me that lived here, so I saw no point in lavish. I had everything I needed.

'Wow, I wasn't expecting a guys apartment to be this clean Alex. I approve.'

Gasping I put my hand on my chest faking hurt, 'I'm offended Kara, I'm a very clean young guy.'

She laughs before throwing herself on my comfortable sofa, and I mean super comfy because who wouldn't want an extremely comfortable sofa for all your sofa needs. I drop my bag and sit down next to her as she tests how soft the sofa is, this was the same reaction everyone gave when they first experienced it.

'I'm just going to put it out there Kara that I was a douche bag in the club. I had no right to put any claim on you and act jealous because of how well you got on with Jack.'

Kara nods and motions for me to continue before she says anything.

Sighing I mess with my fingers on my lap to avoid any eye contact, 'I didn't ask that blonde to come over and climb all over me, but I didn't do anything to push her off. I know it made you feel uncomfortable and Jack has slapped my head quite a few times to make it sink in—'

'Alex, yes, I was hurt, but I had no right to hate on the blonde. I mean we hadn't known each other that long; we both have no claim on the other just yet. I forgive you; I want my friend back.'

Kara interrupts, and I look up from my lap to see her watching me with forgiving eyes and a warm smile. She didn't say that we couldn't be anything in the future, but for now, we needed to get to know each other more and start as friends again.

'Let's start again. Hi, I'm Alex Gaskarth sexy frontman for the global mega band All Time Low.'

I smirk and put my hand out. Kara raises an eyebrow and mouths 'unbelievable' under her breath before shaking my outstretched hand.

'Hi Alex, I'm Kara. Soon to be a kickass frontwoman of a yet be named band.'

Kara lets out a bigger yawn than earlier, and I decide it's time to show her to the room, which would be hers for as long as she was here.

'Come on sleepyhead let's get you to bed.'

Kara pouts like a small child as I stand up, and I roll my eyes as she makes grabby motions with her hands, telling me she wanted to be carried to the bedroom. I wasn't going to say no to holding her in my arms, so I bend down and scoop her up, making her squeal and clutch onto my shirt for dear life.

'Thanks for letting me stay with you, Alex.'

I slip off her shoes and pull back the covers of the bed before laying her down. She cuddles the pillow, and I can't help but smile at her childlike behaviour as I tuck her in.

'See you in a few hours sleeping beauty.'

I get no reply off Kara who must have dozed off already. Deciding to leave her room before I came off as creepy, watching her sleep, I pull the blinds down to block out the sunlight. Kara was going to be a delightful house guest.

The Band And The Busker (All Time Low/Alex Gaskarth) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now