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Yoongi couldn't believe his eyes.

Why was this anonymous boy holding onto the body of his  nurse? The envy boiled inside of him like a volcano about to erupt. He clutched the sheets of his unmade bed in his fists as his face began to burn red in vexation.

Rhiannon was too busy checking on Jimin to notice his rage. Jimin eventually let go of her torso and stood up straight, but he stared at the floor in pure fear, for he had   seen the looks Yoongi burned into his brain.

" Good afternoon Yoongi, I'd like you to meet a new patient. His name is Park Jimin, and he was just placed here today. Please treat him well."

Yoongi scoffed in bitterness over the sound of the boy's name.

Jimin still hung his head and his stomach prickled. His hands began to sweat and he fidgeted with them as they did. He felt his heart racing faster than an ambulance during an emergency as dizziness began to arise. His eyes tried darting around the room, but his mission failed as they accidentally landed on Yoongi. He could feel his hatred hit him like a ton of bricks against his small body. Jimin couldn't breathe.

The anxiety took over, he fell to his knees and wheezed for air, while his own tears blurred his vision.

Rhiannon's heart fell in her stomach at the scene. She knew what she had to do. As fast as she could, but still trying to maintain a slow pace, Rhiannon intertwined her fingers with Jimin's and helped him up to move him to a quiet room.

Her office was the closest place. She placed him down on the soft carpet and sat next to him, rubbing circles on his back as she knew that was one of the best ways to sooth him.

"You can get through this."

"I am proud of you. Good job."

"Tell me what you need now."

"Concentrate on your breathing. Stay in the present."

      He laid down his head in her lap as she counted to 10 with him and helped his breathing. About 30 minutes subsequent to Jimin's anxiety attack, he had become so calm as to fall asleep in Rhiannon's lap. She wiped away a few tears of relief, for it was her first time helping a patient through such a serious attack. Rhiannon then thanked the heavens for his safety.


    Back at Yoongi's room, he hadn't looked away from the empty door frame. He had so many mixed emotions, jelously, betrayal, as well as pity and guilt for Jimin. He was scared at himself. He had been the reason that Jimin had an anxiety attack. Yoongi crawled into a ball and squeezed his eyes closed, trying to forget everything that had just played out in front of him.

Jimin's crying replayed and replayed in his mind. No matter what he tried to do to stop it, the guilt ate away at him even more. He felt like a monster.

"Thats because you are one. You're one of us now."

"It's all your fault Yoongi. You're the reason he had an attack."

The voices had returned, and Rhiannon was not present to get them to leave. Yoongi wanted to scream for her, to get her help, but no sound came from his mouth.


    While Jimin slept, she placed his body on the small couch in her office and began to work on recording the information on his attack at her desk. Eventually, she figured out what medicine to treat him with, and prepared it for him to take when he woke up. She worried slightly about Yoongi being on his own, but she knew that Jimin had to be her first priority at the moment.

        Hours passed, and it was then time for dinner. Rhiannon shook Jimin slightly to wake him up from is lengthy nap. Jimin let out a squeal as he stretched as well as little giggle at himself. It warmed the nurse's heart to see him in a happy state once again.

       Just in case anything were to worry Jimin again, Rhiannon brought Jimin's dinner up to her office, and ate with him. They chatted and watched some TV together, but before long, Rhiannon realized it was time for Jimin to head to bed.

       She walked Mr. Park to his room and tucked him into bed. Rhiannon expressed to him how proud she was of him for getting through his attack earlier, and he returned her statements with a warm grin. Just after she flicked down the light switch and began to close his door, she heard his small voice call out,

" You really did give it your all. Your the best nurse I could've ever asked for. Thanks for everything Rhiannon. Dream of me."

    Jimin was so thankful that she'd turned off the lights, for then she wouldn't be able to see his blushing face.

Schizophrenia ⇢ Min YoongiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora