Meet Yoongi.

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The story trailer is attached above!
I made it hoes & im proud of it

Min Yoongi was born March 9th, 1993 in Daegu, South Korea.

Diagnosed with the mental illness of schizophrenia at the age of 20, every minute of everyday was a living nightmare. The hallucinations, disorganized thoughts and speech, delusions, false beliefs not based in reality, and worst of all, the voices.

They were abusing. Like a bully that you could never outrun.

They were constant, judging his every move like a science experiment.

Even as he closed his eyes to rest at night, which he usually doesn't even try to do anymore, considering every night has now become restless, they tell him how worthless, meaningless, and stupid  he is.

Although diagnosed at the common age, Yoongi has dealt with the illness for much longer than three years. He tried explaining his terrifying experiences to family and fellow peers as a child, but they just thought he was weird and was begging for attention. It came to the point where he was positive there was something wrong with him but he was too ashamed to acknowledge just what it was.

Eventually, his parents came to their senses and reached out to a psychologist. That's when he was addressed with schizophrenia. When he found this out, the terrors of a mental hospital flooded his brain. Of course, the voices had just worsened the situation by reminding him of those terrible horror movies and torturing methods from many years ago. He then decided that he would rather put up with his illness on his own then go to a place of hell like that, so he started refusing his symptoms to his parents.

Unfortunately, his parents weren't convinced and agreed that admitting him to a mental facility would be the best decision.

Yoongi's anxiety was then at it's worst. Days before his admission, he sat in the corner of his room curled up into ball,  writing down lyrics as if it was the best medicine he had, for hours.


Yoongi had now been staying at Brooklane Mental Health Center for a few months.

It wasn't horrifying like in those inaccurate movies, but it wasn't exactly enjoyable either. He felt like he'd throw up if he had to look at another plain white wall, the atmosphere was so draining. The nurses did not get along with him, he often refused to eat, drink, and most commonly, take that immensely bitter tasting medicine. The voices told him it was all a trap. He listened.

His parents rarely visited him, and he hadn't made any friends here either, nor was he planning on it. When he was forced to eat in the cafeteria, he sat on his own. It brought back memories from high school, which he despised. Yoongi never stuck with one nurse like other patients, which he found a bit amusing. They all claimed that "Patient 323 is stubborn, psychotic, and frighting. I refuse to work with him." It's not his fault that he can't control his emotions. It's just that the voices take over sometimes.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Phone users- if the trailer audio isn't working, click the clear YouTube icon in the corner! Thank you so much for reading- Rhiannon

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