6: Make You Happy

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Nagisa pov:

She looked at me with a very serious face... like she was plucking courage to say something.

She gives out a sigh " Nagisa. Gomenasai."

Nagisa: eh? Why?

Hiyuri: papa said I had to make sure I make this clear to you. Said I shouldn't lie. Said... a couple... *blush* should be truthful to each other...

Nagisa: what's wrong?

Hiyuri: honey trap. Actually...two nights ago... remember the special ability I had? I have cells that actively reproduce and splits themselves once there's a gap. The poison couldn't kill me at all.... I just wanted to... see if I could get you to sympathise me. Even if it was just that, it would make me happy. But... when you really wanted me to stay... that sympathise... I felt disgusted with myself. So... gomenasai.

With guilt and her head bowed down not daring to look to me , she continued her words" If you want to go back on your word that day about being with me. I'm fine with it. I'm the one who lied."

Nagisa: I wasn't lying. Wasn't sympathising.

She looked up with lit eyes and hugged me wrapping her arms to my neck " arigato!!"

She was jumping off her feet excited over something. " Nagisa!!!"

Nagisa: you seem excited today.

Hiyuri: because I'm going to show you something that will make you happy!!!

Nagisa; make... me... happy?

She held onto my hand tightly as we walked into the dark alley. We exited through the end. She wasn't scared. She was eager... eager for something...

We reached to an apartment building. She let go of my hand " wait here ok. Until you see someone familiar than come up with her. I'll go up first and make sure they know."

Nagisa; her?

" Um." She smiled and ran into the building before I could ask another question.

Not long...

Someone tapped onto my shoulder. I turned around" kayano? Ah. I mean yukimura "

Kaede: nagisa. Kayano is fine. You were called here too?

Nagisa: ha...ha... ha... yea. Kind of. Let's go.
We take the lift up to the 16th floor...

Kaede: how's your life?

Nagisa: fine. You must be busy with your shows.

Kaede blushed a bit " you noticed?"

Nagisa: kind of. There were posters.

Kaede: I see. How about... girlfriend...?

Nagisa: ah. That. I got one recently.

Kaede: eh. Really. I see.

Nagisa: you'll get to see her later. She's a little weird like koro sensei.

The lift reached its level and the doors open.

Nagisa: we've reached.
Kaede: it can't be... it couldn't be... nee-chan...

Aguri: um. It's me. I'm really alive kaeda.

Kaede runs towards aguri and hugs her " how is this possible?" Kaeda's tears fell. " This is real right?"

Hiyuri: if you don't believe, you can take your DNA and her DNA and examine it.

" That's right." A man walks out from the room. " Thanks to Hiyuri, both of us are alive."

" Who are you?!!!" kaeda and I say at the same time.

Nagisa: wait!!! That voice...

Kaeda: koro...sensei...? That octopus to this hot man?!!!

Koro sensei: Oh~~ thank you for the praise.

Nagisa: wait. Hiyuri. What did koro sensei mean by, thanks to you?

Hiyuri: erm... troublesome to explain.

Koro sensei: she collected my particles when I died and tried to revive me with her blood. Her special cells was not only able to reproduce her own, it could adapt and change itself to suit others. That's how , with 3 years of constant draining, she manage to revive the two of us.

Nagisa: wouldn't that be tiring?

Hiyuri: well... I did really want to see papa. And I thought it would be good if I had a mama too. My assassin mama really scolded me for being a little tardy at work.

Kaeda: wait!!! That means I'm an aunt?!!!

Koro sensei: nuruhuhuhu.Seems that way.
Kaeda: so?? Is koro sensei going to marry my nee-chan?

Koro sensei: well...

Aguri: kaede don't ask such things.

Aguri: it's late already. You guys should head home.

" Hai." The two of them said.

Koro sensei: I think you need to carry Hiyuri home. She's asleep on the sofa.

Nagisa: hai. Guess she's too tired from waiting for me.

She looks so peaceful sleeping. Like she would be safe here. There isn't a thing to worry about. I gave a gentle kiss to her head . Sleep well.

I carry her on my back " let's go. Kayano."

Kaede: where does she stay?

Nagisa: ah. That, I don't know. But it'll be ok for her to stay at mine for a while. She sleeps on my sofa from time to time when she drops over for dinner. It's like her bed.

Kaede: oh. So ... Hiyuri is your girlfriend?

Nagisa: um. She's like koro sensei and not like koro sensei.

Kaede: Nagisa loves Hiyuri?

I nod " um. Gomene, to disappoint you."

Kaede: Nagisa...

We were at the other side of the alley about to separate at our route.

Nagisa: if you were thinking about me this entire time. Gomene.

Kaede: since when did you realise?

Nagisa: just. When you asked about Hiyuri being my girlfriend. I sensed great disappointment. Gomene. I wish you to find a better man than me.

She smiled. Even though still disappointed, somehow she felt happier " arigato."

We separated in each other's ways.

Nagisa: you're awake this whole time isn't it?

Hiyuri: how did you know?

Nagisa: you secretly smiled when I said yes I love you. I could feel your chin moving.

Hiyuri: damn it. No letting me down.

Nagisa: not going to. Go back to sleep.

Hiyuri: hai. What are we having for desserts tonight?

Nagisa: is that all you can think of ? Pudding.

Hiyuri: hai!!! I'll go back to sleep now.

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