Chapter 19- Second Chances

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Jonathan's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and immediately woke up. This is probably the most excited I've been all summer ever since winning the Stanley Cup, Zendaya was finally coming home.

I quickly fixed my hair and grabbed the box with the diamond necklace in it and rushed out of the hotel room. I got into my car and started driving for the airport, I was almost sure I was breaking all the laws but I didn't care I just wanted to see Zendaya again.

Once I parked my car, I grabbed the box and my phone and ran off. I ran so fast that I almost bumped into this old lady. "Oh sorry!" I said as I helped her pick up the bags she dropped when I bumped into her. "The last time I ran that fast was when my husband was coming home from being deployed in war" she chuckled as I handed her bags to her. "Well my girl's coming home today" I said and smiled brightly at the thought of having Zendaya in my arms.

"She must be one lucky girl. Well I won't hold up anymore of your time. Good luck!" the old lady said as she walked off. I found a bench to sit at, and sat down as I checked my messages. I had a text from Zendaya.

Zendaya: Hey we just landed

Me: Alright, I'm already here waiting for you :)

Zendaya: Awe I should be coming out of terminal 6

Me: Can't wait to see you <3

Zendaya: I love you, alright bye <3

After I received her text I got up and rushed over to terminal 6. I waited around until finally I spotted her curly brown hair and just knew it was her. I rushed over to her and wrapped my arms around her from behind and heard her sweet laugh. "Hi Jonathan" she finally said as she turned her head and gave me a kiss.

Man it felt good to see her again. "I missed you like crazy" I said as I took her bags and took her to an empty bench. "I missed you too" she said as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me once more.

She pulled away and just looked at me and smiled. That's when I felt it was the perfect time to give her the necklace. "Hey I got you something" I said as I pulled out the box and handed it to her. "Jonathan you didn't have t-" was all she said as she opened up the box and saw the necklace.

"Oh my god it's beautiful" she said as her jaw dropped wide open. "Here let me put it on for you" I offered and took the necklace from her hands. She moved closer to me and held her hair up in a ponytail so I could but the necklace on her.

As she turned around she placed her hand on top of the diamond heart and smiled. "I love it, and I love you for getting me this" she said before leaning in for a kiss. "Consider this a first of many. Besides your birthday is next month" I smirked before getting up and picking up her bags. "You don't have to get my anything" she argued but I just turned and gave her the look and she sighed.

She knows well that whenever I give her that look it means she can't win, so she just drops the argument. "I'm starving" Zendaya said as we reached my car. "Good, dinner's ready at the hotel" I said as I loaded the back trunk with her bags. "Oou what are we having?" she asked as she got in the car. "You'll find out soon" I teased as I started driving back to the hotel.

"Is everything alright?" Zendaya asked as we were halfway there, breaking the silence. "Yeah, why?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "You're just more quiet than usual" she stated and looked out the window.

I sighed and took a breath before speaking again. "Jacob came to the hotel earlier today, and we sorta had a little talk." I said awkwardly. "About..?" she asked waiting for me to say more. "He wanted to apologize for everything. He said he knew how big of a mistake he made and he gets it if we don't wanna forgive him. But he wanted to tell you in person" I finally said.

I looked over at Zendaya to see a couple tears fall from her eyes. "He caused all this damage and all he wants to say is sorry?!" she yells trying to stop the tears from falling. "I told him I'd tell you and that I wasn't gonna give him any sympathy until you approve since he hurt you more than he hurt me" I explained.

Zendaya just sat their sobbing and massaging her temples, since every time she cries she gets headaches. "I don't wanna hear or see from that bastard ever again" she finally says after about a good 10 minutes. "Alright, you don't have to talk to him. But if you ever want to just give him a call" I said and with that everything went dead silent again.

It took us another 20 minutes to reach the hotel and by then Zendaya calmed down and looked better than from before. "C'mon lets get you some food" I said and smiled as I held her hand in one hand and her bags in another and took her to our room. She smiled and just followed me.

We just reached our room door when I heard a familiar voice, I'm pretty sure Zendaya didn't hear because she was too focused on getting food. So I quickly unlocked the door and let her in. "Dig in, I'll be right back" I said as I saw Zendaya nod her head and start eating.

I went back outside to see Jacob standing at the end of the hallway. "Well?" he asked as he approached me. "She doesn't wanna hear or see you again so I suggest you leave." I said sternly. "You and I both know I always get what I want. And I'm not leaving here until I get it" Jacob said taking a step closer to me.

"And what is it that you want?" I asked. "I want to see Zendaya and apologize to her." Jacob answered crossing his arms across his chest. "I can't let that happen" I said and was turning around to go back inside when I felt a fist hit my face hard.

I fell to the ground and clutched my cheek. "Sorry Jonathan, looks like I do get my way" he smirked as he walked inside.

 And that's when it hit me, he wasn't really here for forgiveness. He's here to take Zendaya back.

I had to think fast so I grabbed one of Jacobs legs pulling him down onto the ground. But once I got up he got up as well.

That's when Zendaya appeared in front of us with her mouth wide open.

"Zendaya you either chose me or I'll kill your boy here" Jacob said as he wrapped his arm around me neck tightly, I barely had any air left to breathe.

I looked over at Zendaya and waved my arms signaling her not to fall for it. "I..I d-don't know" Zendaya stuttered. She was in shock, and when she's in shock she can't think straight.

"Babe it's simple, just give me a second chance" Jacob smirked as his grip on me tightened.

A/N: Consider yourselves lucky, I was planning on ending the story at this chapter and having a sequel out but I decided to continue it longer before the sequel comes out. Happy reading :) Oh and don't forget to vote, comment and fan! Love you all <3 -Kat

Second Chance (A Jonathan Toews fanfic ~ spin-off to I think I love you.)Where stories live. Discover now