Chapter 1- This Was Supposed To Be A Happy Night Right?

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Jonathan's POV:

We did it, we won the cup for the second time in four years! I couldn't be happier! I was hoisting the cup in the air, and wanted to find my girl, and propose to her. I found her finally, I had a big smile on my face, and started skating towards her. But I immediately stopped as I got closer and saw what she was doing. She was kissing that friend of hers. How could she? She hurt me on the night that was supposed to be the best night of our lives. I loved her with all my heart, but she broke it. I saw Hossa was the closest to me, and I handed him the cup and skated off the ice quickly before I started crying.

Zendaya's POV:

Wow I can't believe the Blackhawks won the cup, AGAIN! Haha I was so happy for Jonathan and his teammates, I saw him skating towards me and I wanted to run up to him and give him a big kiss when my friend Jacob Hall, or should I say, ex boyfriend/life ruiner tugged at my sleeve signaling it was time to do the plan. I had to hurt Jon to make him break up with me, and I had to do it tonight. I sighed, why had I gotten myself into this mess? I loved Jon so much, and it hurt me so much to do this, but I had to.

I adverted my stare from Jonathan, back to Jacob and kissed him. There I did it, and it pained me so much to do it, but Jacob seemed to enjoy it. We pulled away and I glanced back at Jonathan, I saw the hurt in his eyes, and it was killing me, I watched him hand the cup to Hossa and disappear into the locker room. I saw that big smile turn into tears, and I ran after him. Screw Jacob, I had to go there and try and get Jonathan back and explain everything.

I ran into the locker room and saw him there, with his face buried into his hands. He looked up and he was teary eyed and mad. "How could you?" He said quietly, he was really hurt and it was my fault. I was about to speak and tell him everything when Jacob walked in. Oh great, there go my chances of getting back together with Jon. I almost cried, but pulled myself together.

Jacob walked over to me with a smirk on his face and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Hey babe, ready to go?" he asked then glanced at Jon. I was speechless, I didn't know what to say, and was scared he would hurt me so I played along. "Yeah." I simply stated, and looked away. "You know I loved you but now, I can't ever again, I can't love you, or forgive you. Just get out of my life, we're done!" Jonathan yelled and I began to cry, but Jacob pulled me out of the locker room before Jonathan could see me cy.

He still had that smirk on his face, "nice job, I swear you were gonna cave, but you didn't. Go get some rest, our flight leaves tomorrow, you're not leaving with them. And even if you wanted to, I doubt they would let you considering what happened just now." Jacob cruely said and left. I didn't know what to do, so I ran away, far away from Jacob, and called a cab to take me somewhere far. I knew I had to return to Chicago, but I couldn't go with the Blackhawks and I refused to go with Jacob. I spent that night at a bar on the outskirts of Boston, and cried my heart out.

What have I done? I just wanted Jonathan back.

A/N: Hey guys! So here's the spin-off to "I think I love you (A Patrick Kane fanfic)" I wanted to at least upload the first few chapters quickly so I wouldn't leave you guys hanging, so here it is! Enjoy, and just a reminder it will be repetitive at some parts since the 2 stories are somewhat connected. You don't have to read the Patrick Kane fanfic before this one, but it would be more helpful to you to either read both at the same time, or that one first, just so you understand what happens, but you don't have to. Have a nice day and don't forget to comment, vote and fan! :) -Kat

Second Chance (A Jonathan Toews fanfic ~ spin-off to I think I love you.)Where stories live. Discover now